Usage statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 06:25 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 691040
Total Files 557438
Total Pages 76223
Total Visits 15993
Total kB Files 105214003
Total kB In 298192
Total kB Out 105214003
Total Unique Sites 12491
Total Unique URLs 31719
Total Unique Referrers 2138
Total Unique User Agents 3609
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 959 18309
Hits per Day 23034 60028
Files per Day 18581 55413
Pages per Day 2540 5556
Sites per Day 416 991
Visits per Day 533 763
kB Files per Day 3507133 7872057
kB In per Day 9940 18983
kB Out per Day 3507133 7872057
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 80.67% 557438
Code 206 - Partial Content 11.20% 77371
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 186
Code 304 - Not Modified 2.49% 17192
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.62% 25009
Code 404 - Not Found 1.98% 13686
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 106
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.01% 52

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F kB In kB Out
1 25370 3.67% 17954 3.22% 2291 3.01% 409 2.56% 617 4.94% 3056035 2.90% 10359 3.47% 3056035 2.90%
2 25091 3.63% 19642 3.52% 2828 3.71% 521 3.26% 675 5.40% 2975179 2.83% 11155 3.74% 2975179 2.83%
3 22222 3.22% 18823 3.38% 892 1.17% 399 2.49% 582 4.66% 2444027 2.32% 9278 3.11% 2444027 2.32%
4 14781 2.14% 11002 1.97% 1270 1.67% 468 2.93% 665 5.32% 2592618 2.46% 6523 2.19% 2592618 2.46%
5 17049 2.47% 14518 2.60% 2144 2.81% 545 3.41% 658 5.27% 2709292 2.58% 7275 2.44% 2709292 2.58%
6 18519 2.68% 14294 2.56% 2260 2.96% 644 4.03% 689 5.52% 2231490 2.12% 8548 2.87% 2231490 2.12%
7 16018 2.32% 13217 2.37% 2075 2.72% 441 2.76% 558 4.47% 1953344 1.86% 7070 2.37% 1953344 1.86%
8 17691 2.56% 14648 2.63% 1531 2.01% 426 2.66% 505 4.04% 2048876 1.95% 7898 2.65% 2048876 1.95%
9 16866 2.44% 13423 2.41% 1793 2.35% 528 3.30% 971 7.77% 3018807 2.87% 7272 2.44% 3018807 2.87%
10 27352 3.96% 22431 4.02% 2405 3.16% 763 4.77% 940 7.53% 4206968 4.00% 12483 4.19% 4206968 4.00%
11 20588 2.98% 17355 3.11% 2575 3.38% 573 3.58% 700 5.60% 2483424 2.36% 9172 3.08% 2483424 2.36%
12 15859 2.29% 12192 2.19% 1333 1.75% 448 2.80% 662 5.30% 2061654 1.96% 6954 2.33% 2061654 1.96%
13 13490 1.95% 10939 1.96% 1270 1.67% 459 2.87% 607 4.86% 1798456 1.71% 6419 2.15% 1798456 1.71%
14 15511 2.24% 12944 2.32% 1831 2.40% 586 3.66% 713 5.71% 2479126 2.36% 6902 2.31% 2479126 2.36%
15 20734 3.00% 16775 3.01% 1667 2.19% 450 2.81% 619 4.96% 3118041 2.96% 9391 3.15% 3118041 2.96%
16 21395 3.10% 17202 3.09% 2911 3.82% 638 3.99% 629 5.04% 2485500 2.36% 9216 3.09% 2485500 2.36%
17 19354 2.80% 15949 2.86% 5041 6.61% 673 4.21% 991 7.93% 2624603 2.49% 8266 2.77% 2624603 2.49%
18 18134 2.62% 15519 2.78% 2513 3.30% 500 3.13% 692 5.54% 4910213 4.67% 8366 2.81% 4910213 4.67%
19 31295 4.53% 28666 5.14% 3926 5.15% 450 2.81% 549 4.40% 4930547 4.69% 13769 4.62% 4930547 4.69%
20 25630 3.71% 22830 4.10% 3497 4.59% 479 3.00% 579 4.64% 3884656 3.69% 11317 3.80% 3884656 3.69%
21 60028 8.69% 55413 9.94% 5556 7.29% 662 4.14% 796 6.37% 6587193 6.26% 18983 6.37% 6587193 6.26%
22 30247 4.38% 20448 3.67% 4272 5.60% 454 2.84% 651 5.21% 7872057 7.48% 14472 4.85% 7872057 7.48%
23 22666 3.28% 19367 3.47% 2678 3.51% 501 3.13% 611 4.89% 3448085 3.28% 10202 3.42% 3448085 3.28%
24 20162 2.92% 15259 2.74% 2431 3.19% 628 3.93% 851 6.81% 2905604 2.76% 8968 3.01% 2905604 2.76%
25 23935 3.46% 14603 2.62% 1424 1.87% 615 3.85% 884 7.08% 2311475 2.20% 10795 3.62% 2311475 2.20%
26 21959 3.18% 14500 2.60% 1338 1.76% 552 3.45% 662 5.30% 4162512 3.96% 10670 3.58% 4162512 3.96%
27 28838 4.17% 25176 4.52% 3266 4.28% 698 4.36% 970 7.77% 4693090 4.46% 11927 4.00% 4693090 4.46%
28 23797 3.44% 18510 3.32% 2485 3.26% 476 2.98% 550 4.40% 3219406 3.06% 10549 3.54% 3219406 3.06%
29 30252 4.38% 23893 4.29% 3363 4.41% 529 3.31% 792 6.34% 5799591 5.51% 13534 4.54% 5799591 5.51%
30 26207 3.79% 19946 3.58% 3357 4.40% 570 3.56% 647 5.18% 6202132 5.89% 10459 3.51% 6202132 5.89%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F kB In kB Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 819 24581 3.56% 666 19998 3.59% 95 2863 3.76% 102112 3063367 2.91% 379 11362 3.81% 102112 3063367 2.91%
1 924 27744 4.01% 692 20781 3.73% 96 2907 3.81% 118257 3547719 3.37% 436 13086 4.39% 118257 3547719 3.37%
2 730 21911 3.17% 538 16161 2.90% 92 2773 3.64% 194271 5828124 5.54% 334 10032 3.36% 194271 5828124 5.54%
3 666 19996 2.89% 541 16234 2.91% 127 3821 5.01% 84692 2540761 2.41% 305 9146 3.07% 84692 2540761 2.41%
4 917 27527 3.98% 777 23316 4.18% 94 2833 3.72% 94106 2823188 2.68% 393 11782 3.95% 94106 2823188 2.68%
5 708 21258 3.08% 519 15582 2.80% 105 3158 4.14% 98939 2968163 2.82% 308 9228 3.09% 98939 2968163 2.82%
6 644 19333 2.80% 508 15253 2.74% 87 2633 3.45% 90767 2723015 2.59% 284 8529 2.86% 90767 2723015 2.59%
7 883 26512 3.84% 701 21059 3.78% 107 3212 4.21% 151305 4539154 4.31% 334 10017 3.36% 151305 4539154 4.31%
8 794 23842 3.45% 605 18167 3.26% 118 3552 4.66% 124072 3722155 3.54% 340 10193 3.42% 124072 3722155 3.54%
9 817 24537 3.55% 638 19142 3.43% 106 3203 4.20% 132994 3989813 3.79% 365 10961 3.68% 132994 3989813 3.79%
10 913 27414 3.97% 659 19775 3.55% 108 3268 4.29% 162679 4880360 4.64% 414 12423 4.17% 162679 4880360 4.64%
11 935 28077 4.06% 753 22619 4.06% 119 3572 4.69% 134887 4046600 3.85% 421 12626 4.23% 134887 4046600 3.85%
12 846 25395 3.67% 688 20663 3.71% 115 3466 4.55% 106959 3208777 3.05% 360 10791 3.62% 106959 3208777 3.05%
13 851 25532 3.69% 712 21386 3.84% 103 3116 4.09% 138459 4153782 3.95% 383 11505 3.86% 138459 4153782 3.95%
14 856 25708 3.72% 668 20046 3.60% 102 3078 4.04% 124381 3731425 3.55% 389 11671 3.91% 124381 3731425 3.55%
15 933 28003 4.05% 788 23662 4.24% 97 2929 3.84% 116265 3487937 3.32% 403 12085 4.05% 116265 3487937 3.32%
16 1110 33316 4.82% 841 25238 4.53% 99 2983 3.91% 150678 4520336 4.30% 493 14800 4.96% 150678 4520336 4.30%
17 1172 35183 5.09% 925 27758 4.98% 115 3476 4.56% 256780 7703396 7.32% 503 15078 5.06% 256780 7703396 7.32%
18 1055 31667 4.58% 900 27009 4.85% 113 3407 4.47% 202383 6071504 5.77% 472 14160 4.75% 202383 6071504 5.77%
19 1043 31318 4.53% 849 25472 4.57% 101 3055 4.01% 155206 4656171 4.43% 461 13842 4.64% 155206 4656171 4.43%
20 1547 46429 6.72% 1371 41150 7.38% 129 3893 5.11% 258651 7759543 7.38% 552 16556 5.55% 258651 7759543 7.38%
21 1859 55775 8.07% 1566 46982 8.43% 103 3090 4.05% 139557 4186702 3.98% 720 21590 7.24% 139557 4186702 3.98%
22 1043 31297 4.53% 820 24621 4.42% 98 2955 3.88% 239944 7198330 6.84% 466 13975 4.69% 239944 7198330 6.84%
23 956 28685 4.15% 845 25364 4.55% 99 2980 3.91% 128789 3863680 3.67% 425 12752 4.28% 128789 3863680 3.67%

Top 30 of 31719 Total URLs
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 40786 5.90% 6880337 6.54% 15055 5.05% 6880337 6.54% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
2 23889 3.46% 21044081 20.00% 12745 4.27% 21044081 20.00% /PJKbook.pdf
3 10067 1.46% 68396 0.07% 4245 1.42% 68396 0.07% /
4 4518 0.65% 11090 0.01% 1801 0.60% 11090 0.01% /favicon.ico
5 3293 0.48% 2532451 2.41% 1722 0.58% 2532451 2.41% /eBookG.pdf
6 2669 0.39% 516531 0.49% 904 0.30% 516531 0.49% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
7 2360 0.34% 5213323 4.95% 1279 0.43% 5213323 4.95% /Green Water.pdf
8 2209 0.32% 2265178 2.15% 1158 0.39% 2265178 2.15% /SimpleFE.pdf
9 1803 0.26% 6248 0.01% 829 0.28% 6248 0.01% /Cead.bmp
10 1406 0.20% 697780 0.66% 761 0.26% 697780 0.66% /Chapter3.pdf
11 1061 0.15% 1096661 1.04% 514 0.17% 1096661 1.04% /Russian/SFE.pdf
12 1046 0.15% 51939 0.05% 517 0.17% 51939 0.05% /indexOct2018.html
13 952 0.14% 2476145 2.35% 460 0.15% 2476145 2.35% /Moray5.pdf
14 831 0.12% 1823368 1.73% 396 0.13% 1823368 1.73% /DonKelly.pdf
15 783 0.11% 3494505 3.32% 415 0.14% 3494505 3.32% /Newman.pdf
16 705 0.10% 2279400 2.17% 428 0.14% 2279400 2.17% /eBookI.pdf
17 662 0.10% 1641 0.00% 278 0.09% 1641 0.00% /PJKBook.html
18 617 0.09% 814972 0.77% 281 0.09% 814972 0.77% /TeslaBook.pdf
19 551 0.08% 704729 0.67% 294 0.10% 704729 0.67% /Lodge.pdf
20 508 0.07% 1541379 1.46% 266 0.09% 1541379 1.46% /Davson.pdf
21 500 0.07% 3549953 3.37% 289 0.10% 3549953 3.37% /eBookS.pdf
22 499 0.07% 390084 0.37% 233 0.08% 390084 0.37% /VladimirUtkin.pdf
23 464 0.07% 593951 0.56% 295 0.10% 593951 0.56% /MaxwellPapers.pdf
24 403 0.06% 1519805 1.44% 204 0.07% 1519805 1.44% /TeslaCSN.pdf
25 361 0.05% 566718 0.54% 196 0.07% 566718 0.54% /Russian/SFER.pdf
26 348 0.05% 542700 0.52% 191 0.06% 542700 0.52% /PJKappendix.pdf
27 347 0.05% 148368 0.14% 92 0.03% 148368 0.14% /Kindle/Chapter
28 345 0.05% 484936 0.46% 187 0.06% 484936 0.46% /Lodge3.pdf
29 326 0.05% 515071 0.49% 154 0.05% 515071 0.49% /Videos.pdf
30 320 0.05% 235100 0.22% 149 0.05% 235100 0.22% /Lodge2.pdf

Top 10 of 31719 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 23889 3.46% 21044081 20.00% 12745 4.27% 21044081 20.00% /PJKbook.pdf
2 40786 5.90% 6880337 6.54% 15055 5.05% 6880337 6.54% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
3 2360 0.34% 5213323 4.95% 1279 0.43% 5213323 4.95% /Green Water.pdf
4 500 0.07% 3549953 3.37% 289 0.10% 3549953 3.37% /eBookS.pdf
5 783 0.11% 3494505 3.32% 415 0.14% 3494505 3.32% /Newman.pdf
6 3293 0.48% 2532451 2.41% 1722 0.58% 2532451 2.41% /eBookG.pdf
7 952 0.14% 2476145 2.35% 460 0.15% 2476145 2.35% /Moray5.pdf
8 705 0.10% 2279400 2.17% 428 0.14% 2279400 2.17% /eBookI.pdf
9 2209 0.32% 2265178 2.15% 1158 0.39% 2265178 2.15% /SimpleFE.pdf
10 831 0.12% 1823368 1.73% 396 0.13% 1823368 1.73% /DonKelly.pdf

Top 10 of 663 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10067 1.46% 3279 21.72% /
2 2669 0.39% 1115 7.39% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
3 1046 0.15% 541 3.58% /indexOct2018.html
4 662 0.10% 469 3.11% /PJKBook.html
5 40786 5.90% 466 3.09% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
6 296 0.04% 238 1.58% /Chapt16b.html
7 291 0.04% 210 1.39% /SChapt31.html
8 210 0.03% 178 1.18% /FEindex.html
9 203 0.03% 142 0.94% /Chapt3.html
10 189 0.03% 137 0.91% /Chapt6S.html

Top 10 of 674 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10067 1.46% 2987 19.73% /
2 2669 0.39% 1115 7.36% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
3 1046 0.15% 658 4.35% /indexOct2018.html
4 40786 5.90% 463 3.06% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
5 662 0.10% 423 2.79% /PJKBook.html
6 291 0.04% 224 1.48% /SChapt31.html
7 296 0.04% 212 1.40% /Chapt16b.html
8 210 0.03% 172 1.14% /FEindex.html
9 212 0.03% 146 0.96% /Spanish.html
10 203 0.03% 144 0.95% /Chapt3.html

Top 30 of 12491 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 34601 5.01% 34379 6.17% 2720004 2.59% 7923 2.66% 2720004 2.59% 17 0.11%
2 17704 2.56% 17487 3.14% 2756706 2.62% 6949 2.33% 2756706 2.62% 11 0.07%
3 15561 2.25% 15561 2.79% 2632738 2.50% 5903 1.98% 2632738 2.50% 31 0.19%
4 11700 1.69% 11700 2.10% 1991493 1.89% 4324 1.45% 1991493 1.89% 38 0.24%
5 6550 0.95% 3563 0.64% 938551 0.89% 2112 0.71% 938551 0.89% 203 1.27%
6 5947 0.86% 5947 1.07% 17324 0.02% 2748 0.92% 17324 0.02% 507 3.17%
7 5416 0.78% 5416 0.97% 944626 0.90% 1822 0.61% 944626 0.90% 1 0.01%
8 5302 0.77% 5295 0.95% 2114299 2.01% 1485 0.50% 2114299 2.01% 72 0.45%
9 4862 0.70% 4838 0.87% 1446303 1.37% 3030 1.02% 1446303 1.37% 7 0.04%
10 4574 0.66% 4562 0.82% 1149686 1.09% 2913 0.98% 1149686 1.09% 1 0.01%
11 4315 0.62% 4227 0.76% 517535 0.49% 1020 0.34% 517535 0.49% 1 0.01%
12 4282 0.62% 3534 0.63% 298469 0.28% 1285 0.43% 298469 0.28% 23 0.14%
13 4211 0.61% 4158 0.75% 441556 0.42% 2136 0.72% 441556 0.42% 20 0.13%
14 3773 0.55% 1820 0.33% 822065 0.78% 1254 0.42% 822065 0.78% 169 1.06%
15 3680 0.53% 3680 0.66% 574075 0.55% 1376 0.46% 574075 0.55% 2 0.01%
16 3597 0.52% 3534 0.63% 272234 0.26% 1928 0.65% 272234 0.26% 3 0.02%
17 3451 0.50% 3451 0.62% 601344 0.57% 1288 0.43% 601344 0.57% 9 0.06%
18 3421 0.50% 3358 0.60% 1190001 1.13% 1304 0.44% 1190001 1.13% 9 0.06%
19 3362 0.49% 1874 0.34% 484005 0.46% 1089 0.37% 484005 0.46% 105 0.66%
20 3144 0.45% 3130 0.56% 884867 0.84% 1333 0.45% 884867 0.84% 2 0.01%
21 2933 0.42% 2844 0.51% 582156 0.55% 1312 0.44% 582156 0.55% 6 0.04%
22 2784 0.40% 2784 0.50% 543994 0.52% 1459 0.49% 543994 0.52% 0 0.00%
23 2701 0.39% 2689 0.48% 115418 0.11% 929 0.31% 115418 0.11% 1 0.01%
24 2650 0.38% 2569 0.46% 309185 0.29% 1486 0.50% 309185 0.29% 1 0.01%
25 2611 0.38% 2610 0.47% 60503 0.06% 1337 0.45% 60503 0.06% 5 0.03%
26 2607 0.38% 1198 0.21% 753222 0.72% 883 0.30% 753222 0.72% 163 1.02%
27 2514 0.36% 2284 0.41% 1136294 1.08% 1495 0.50% 1136294 1.08% 7 0.04%
28 2508 0.36% 2494 0.45% 69021 0.07% 843 0.28% 69021 0.07% 1 0.01%
29 2457 0.36% 2359 0.42% 63386 0.06% 1071 0.36% 63386 0.06% 18 0.11%
30 2448 0.35% 2386 0.43% 918198 0.87% 1127 0.38% 918198 0.87% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 12491 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 1341 0.19% 1078 0.19% 2896432 2.75% 643 0.22% 2896432 2.75% 2 0.01%
2 17704 2.56% 17487 3.14% 2756706 2.62% 6949 2.33% 2756706 2.62% 11 0.07%
3 34601 5.01% 34379 6.17% 2720004 2.59% 7923 2.66% 2720004 2.59% 17 0.11%
4 15561 2.25% 15561 2.79% 2632738 2.50% 5903 1.98% 2632738 2.50% 31 0.19%
5 5302 0.77% 5295 0.95% 2114299 2.01% 1485 0.50% 2114299 2.01% 72 0.45%
6 11700 1.69% 11700 2.10% 1991493 1.89% 4324 1.45% 1991493 1.89% 38 0.24%
7 4862 0.70% 4838 0.87% 1446303 1.37% 3030 1.02% 1446303 1.37% 7 0.04%
8 1054 0.15% 1034 0.19% 1399128 1.33% 634 0.21% 1399128 1.33% 4 0.03%
9 387 0.06% 333 0.06% 1302701 1.24% 172 0.06% 1302701 1.24% 1 0.01%
10 3421 0.50% 3358 0.60% 1190001 1.13% 1304 0.44% 1190001 1.13% 9 0.06%

Top 100 of 2138 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 141590 20.49% - (Direct Request)
2 101779 14.73%
3 48097 6.96%
4 33091 4.79%
5 25088 3.63%
6 19078 2.76%
7 18725 2.71%
8 15476 2.24% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
9 15327 2.22%
10 13451 1.95%
11 10726 1.55%
12 6452 0.93%
13 5898 0.85%
14 5668 0.82%
15 5432 0.79%
16 5415 0.78%
17 5363 0.78%
18 5273 0.76%
19 5088 0.74%
20 4799 0.69%
21 4728 0.68%
22 4708 0.68%
23 4613 0.67%
24 4556 0.66%
25 3807 0.55%
26 3633 0.53%
27 3357 0.49%
28 3317 0.48%
29 3209 0.46%
30 2950 0.43%
31 2865 0.41%
32 2737 0.40%
33 2441 0.35%
34 2330 0.34%
35 2321 0.34%
36 2267 0.33%
37 2089 0.30%
38 2070 0.30% TutorialR.htm
39 2068 0.30%
40 2003 0.29%
41 1976 0.29%
42 1926 0.28%
43 1900 0.27%
44 1894 0.27%
45 1891 0.27%
46 1884 0.27%
47 1794 0.26%
48 1790 0.26%
49 1774 0.26%
50 1741 0.25%
51 1692 0.24%
52 1519 0.22%
53 1468 0.21%
54 1457 0.21%
55 1377 0.20%
56 1354 0.20%
57 1336 0.19%
58 1263 0.18%
59 1260 0.18%
60 1253 0.18%
61 1222 0.18%
62 1197 0.17%
63 1191 0.17%
64 1189 0.17%
65 1158 0.17%
66 1117 0.16%
67 1114 0.16%
68 1090 0.16%
69 1086 0.16%
70 1075 0.16%
71 1070 0.15%
72 1042 0.15%
73 1040 0.15%
74 1039 0.15%
75 1037 0.15%
76 1020 0.15%
77 1016 0.15%
78 1013 0.15%
79 938 0.14%
80 937 0.14%
81 911 0.13%
82 904 0.13%
83 862 0.12%
84 841 0.12%
85 771 0.11%
86 769 0.11%
87 752 0.11%
88 746 0.11%
89 739 0.11%
90 737 0.11%
91 702 0.10%
92 694 0.10%
93 683 0.10%
94 672 0.10%
95 663 0.10%
96 661 0.10%
97 653 0.09%
98 650 0.09%
99 641 0.09%
100 637 0.09%

Top 7 of 7 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 25.00%
2 1 12.50% darrylroberts contact mail: @ tel: .fr
3 1 12.50% generador don smith
4 1 12.50%
5 1 12.50%
6 1 12.50%
7 1 12.50%

Top 15 of 3609 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 68633 9.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 42207 6.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
3 36711 5.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0
4 33109 4.79% CyotekWebCopy/1.9 CyotekHTTP/6.4
5 29041 4.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 27435 3.97% Googlebot-Image/1.0
7 20241 2.93% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
8 19874 2.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
9 17007 2.46% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
10 16307 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 13825 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
12 13715 1.98% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Mobile/15E148
13 11736 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0
14 10029 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
15 9747 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 30 of 109 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Country
1 268724 38.89% 252748 45.34% 38830943 36.91% 115539 38.75% 38830943 36.91% Unresolved/Unknown
2 147729 21.38% 124028 22.25% 23539773 22.37% 57195 19.18% 23539773 22.37% Commercial (com)
3 87825 12.71% 82289 14.76% 16834751 16.00% 40242 13.50% 16834751 16.00% Network (net)
4 21470 3.11% 20286 3.64% 4049464 3.85% 9253 3.10% 4049464 3.85% Germany
5 13375 1.94% 12257 2.20% 2110984 2.01% 5229 1.75% 2110984 2.01% Russian Federation
6 10119 1.46% 9970 1.79% 1919061 1.82% 5069 1.70% 1919061 1.82% Australia
7 10102 1.46% 9544 1.71% 854903 0.81% 4637 1.56% 854903 0.81% Italy
8 8635 1.25% 8195 1.47% 861717 0.82% 3886 1.30% 861717 0.82% Brazil
9 8519 1.23% 7955 1.43% 966713 0.92% 3989 1.34% 966713 0.92% Poland
10 8293 1.20% 7966 1.43% 1462304 1.39% 4605 1.54% 1462304 1.39% Canada
11 7789 1.13% 7517 1.35% 835781 0.79% 2604 0.87% 835781 0.79% Argentina
12 7670 1.11% 6945 1.25% 231922 0.22% 3433 1.15% 231922 0.22% Bulgaria
13 5172 0.75% 4846 0.87% 383958 0.36% 2466 0.83% 383958 0.36% Colombia
14 4711 0.68% 4603 0.83% 370540 0.35% 2571 0.86% 370540 0.35% Belgium
15 4568 0.66% 4237 0.76% 661607 0.63% 2381 0.80% 661607 0.63% Slovakia
16 4555 0.66% 3885 0.70% 407129 0.39% 2014 0.68% 407129 0.39% France
17 4489 0.65% 4415 0.79% 446148 0.42% 2266 0.76% 446148 0.42% Vietnam
18 4454 0.64% 4342 0.78% 756254 0.72% 1894 0.64% 756254 0.72% Romania
19 4167 0.60% 4004 0.72% 823259 0.78% 1980 0.66% 823259 0.78% Mexico
20 3684 0.53% 3618 0.65% 110336 0.10% 1720 0.58% 110336 0.10% Turkey
21 3515 0.51% 3363 0.60% 159740 0.15% 1570 0.53% 159740 0.15% Spain
22 3374 0.49% 3153 0.57% 410770 0.39% 1562 0.52% 410770 0.39% Serbia
23 3373 0.49% 3244 0.58% 970369 0.92% 1605 0.54% 970369 0.92% Paraguay
24 3191 0.46% 2863 0.51% 261406 0.25% 1610 0.54% 261406 0.25% Switzerland
25 2391 0.35% 2012 0.36% 342294 0.33% 842 0.28% 342294 0.33% European Union
26 2249 0.33% 2139 0.38% 417850 0.40% 1038 0.35% 417850 0.40% Hungary
27 2238 0.32% 2080 0.37% 213292 0.20% 1047 0.35% 213292 0.20% South Africa
28 2186 0.32% 2029 0.36% 329004 0.31% 917 0.31% 329004 0.31% Netherlands
29 2102 0.30% 1931 0.35% 290208 0.28% 1071 0.36% 290208 0.28% Czech Republic
30 2070 0.30% 2021 0.36% 315696 0.30% 1094 0.37% 315696 0.30% Portugal

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23