Usage statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 06:25 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 717264
Total Files 580754
Total Pages 52842
Total Visits 16322
Total kB Files 111502646
Total kB In 322765
Total kB Out 111502646
Total Unique Sites 12386
Total Unique URLs 23829
Total Unique Referrers 1951
Total Unique User Agents 4421
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 996 6424
Hits per Day 23908 34628
Files per Day 19358 29904
Pages per Day 1761 4315
Sites per Day 412 1051
Visits per Day 544 869
kB Files per Day 3716755 8651569
kB In per Day 10759 17392
kB Out per Day 3716755 8651569
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 80.97% 580754
Code 206 - Partial Content 10.65% 76386
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 80
Code 304 - Not Modified 2.17% 15596
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.88% 27846
Code 404 - Not Found 2.19% 15678
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.12% 856
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.01% 68

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F kB In kB Out
1 18021 2.51% 13304 2.29% 1885 3.57% 509 3.12% 581 4.69% 2528115 2.27% 8491 2.63% 2528115 2.27%
2 29456 4.11% 21699 3.74% 1600 3.03% 519 3.18% 669 5.40% 8651569 7.76% 14372 4.45% 8651569 7.76%
3 24120 3.36% 16700 2.88% 1108 2.10% 448 2.74% 647 5.22% 4493182 4.03% 11771 3.65% 4493182 4.03%
4 21558 3.01% 19531 3.36% 1286 2.43% 565 3.46% 772 6.23% 3759156 3.37% 9600 2.97% 3759156 3.37%
5 21228 2.96% 17119 2.95% 1665 3.15% 470 2.88% 692 5.59% 3424119 3.07% 9620 2.98% 3424119 3.07%
6 14397 2.01% 11715 2.02% 1692 3.20% 468 2.87% 699 5.64% 2818925 2.53% 6520 2.02% 2818925 2.53%
7 22715 3.17% 17668 3.04% 943 1.78% 461 2.82% 804 6.49% 4652595 4.17% 9512 2.95% 4652595 4.17%
8 18125 2.53% 15257 2.63% 1189 2.25% 397 2.43% 596 4.81% 1870207 1.68% 8110 2.51% 1870207 1.68%
9 27165 3.79% 22901 3.94% 1612 3.05% 474 2.90% 731 5.90% 5691075 5.10% 12363 3.83% 5691075 5.10%
10 23973 3.34% 19243 3.31% 1129 2.14% 525 3.22% 761 6.14% 2976236 2.67% 10396 3.22% 2976236 2.67%
11 30325 4.23% 23881 4.11% 1351 2.56% 696 4.26% 914 7.38% 2960036 2.65% 13133 4.07% 2960036 2.65%
12 23045 3.21% 19539 3.36% 1067 2.02% 624 3.82% 1009 8.15% 3113579 2.79% 9602 2.97% 3113579 2.79%
13 19728 2.75% 15528 2.67% 1171 2.22% 462 2.83% 829 6.69% 3486591 3.13% 8262 2.56% 3486591 3.13%
14 26100 3.64% 18662 3.21% 976 1.85% 469 2.87% 774 6.25% 4332077 3.89% 11996 3.72% 4332077 3.89%
15 19149 2.67% 17320 2.98% 1019 1.93% 430 2.63% 711 5.74% 3627036 3.25% 8179 2.53% 3627036 3.25%
16 25817 3.60% 22169 3.82% 1033 1.95% 429 2.63% 668 5.39% 3496105 3.14% 10850 3.36% 3496105 3.14%
17 24035 3.35% 20672 3.56% 955 1.81% 454 2.78% 660 5.33% 3129241 2.81% 10903 3.38% 3129241 2.81%
18 20741 2.89% 17921 3.09% 893 1.69% 438 2.68% 867 7.00% 3919396 3.52% 9359 2.90% 3919396 3.52%
19 17016 2.37% 14257 2.45% 971 1.84% 448 2.74% 624 5.04% 2871533 2.58% 7458 2.31% 2871533 2.58%
20 17557 2.45% 13987 2.41% 1031 1.95% 433 2.65% 581 4.69% 2604332 2.34% 7689 2.38% 2604332 2.34%
21 15391 2.15% 12822 2.21% 1342 2.54% 468 2.87% 665 5.37% 2207930 1.98% 6638 2.06% 2207930 1.98%
22 33596 4.68% 29904 5.15% 2263 4.28% 703 4.31% 796 6.43% 3413944 3.06% 17392 5.39% 3413944 3.06%
23 27077 3.78% 23242 4.00% 2746 5.20% 749 4.59% 806 6.51% 5815626 5.22% 13195 4.09% 5815626 5.22%
24 27869 3.89% 23005 3.96% 4315 8.17% 866 5.31% 1049 8.47% 3634063 3.26% 12172 3.77% 3634063 3.26%
25 25068 3.49% 21215 3.65% 2307 4.37% 680 4.17% 1021 8.24% 2965698 2.66% 10745 3.33% 2965698 2.66%
26 33907 4.73% 29872 5.14% 3823 7.23% 722 4.42% 1051 8.49% 3220753 2.89% 13033 4.04% 3220753 2.89%
27 34628 4.83% 19528 3.36% 1777 3.36% 441 2.70% 561 4.53% 6214792 5.57% 16855 5.22% 6214792 5.57%
28 20132 2.81% 16617 2.86% 2497 4.73% 531 3.25% 557 4.50% 2611429 2.34% 9905 3.07% 2611429 2.34%
29 29023 4.05% 25429 4.38% 3802 7.20% 869 5.32% 760 6.14% 3497150 3.14% 13282 4.12% 3497150 3.14%
30 26302 3.67% 20047 3.45% 3394 6.42% 635 3.89% 796 6.43% 3516158 3.15% 11362 3.52% 3516158 3.15%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F kB In kB Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 940 28202 3.93% 747 22439 3.86% 85 2565 4.85% 183759 5512767 4.94% 424 12720 3.94% 183759 5512767 4.94%
1 797 23921 3.34% 630 18916 3.26% 60 1807 3.42% 124437 3733113 3.35% 350 10492 3.25% 124437 3733113 3.35%
2 702 21070 2.94% 566 16997 2.93% 66 1994 3.77% 149254 4477629 4.02% 301 9028 2.80% 149254 4477629 4.02%
3 576 17282 2.41% 449 13490 2.32% 65 1969 3.73% 87094 2612832 2.34% 259 7765 2.41% 87094 2612832 2.34%
4 847 25419 3.54% 729 21875 3.77% 67 2017 3.82% 139361 4180838 3.75% 377 11301 3.50% 139361 4180838 3.75%
5 898 26956 3.76% 641 19259 3.32% 73 2217 4.20% 136225 4086756 3.67% 410 12302 3.81% 136225 4086756 3.67%
6 641 19240 2.68% 535 16053 2.76% 60 1801 3.41% 111153 3334605 2.99% 266 7991 2.48% 111153 3334605 2.99%
7 746 22393 3.12% 578 17356 2.99% 117 3525 6.67% 121517 3645496 3.27% 321 9642 2.99% 121517 3645496 3.27%
8 947 28428 3.96% 762 22865 3.94% 58 1757 3.33% 159167 4775003 4.28% 404 12133 3.76% 159167 4775003 4.28%
9 883 26506 3.70% 624 18730 3.23% 67 2024 3.83% 153869 4616067 4.14% 406 12170 3.77% 153869 4616067 4.14%
10 835 25062 3.49% 679 20377 3.51% 68 2048 3.88% 141914 4257425 3.82% 386 11571 3.58% 141914 4257425 3.82%
11 1341 40256 5.61% 976 29306 5.05% 81 2432 4.60% 180548 5416440 4.86% 643 19287 5.98% 180548 5416440 4.86%
12 1144 34322 4.79% 905 27176 4.68% 75 2256 4.27% 189019 5670558 5.09% 550 16496 5.11% 189019 5670558 5.09%
13 1222 36680 5.11% 1130 33904 5.84% 86 2597 4.91% 157275 4718246 4.23% 523 15679 4.86% 157275 4718246 4.23%
14 1236 37091 5.17% 1126 33780 5.82% 76 2299 4.35% 136249 4087474 3.67% 543 16301 5.05% 136249 4087474 3.67%
15 1044 31328 4.37% 948 28455 4.90% 66 1997 3.78% 107379 3221383 2.89% 455 13637 4.23% 107379 3221383 2.89%
16 1170 35127 4.90% 1019 30581 5.27% 66 2005 3.79% 170727 5121818 4.59% 544 16305 5.05% 170727 5121818 4.59%
17 1251 37537 5.23% 941 28251 4.86% 76 2306 4.36% 196286 5888576 5.28% 563 16879 5.23% 196286 5888576 5.28%
18 1243 37300 5.20% 1020 30606 5.27% 61 1842 3.49% 163356 4900676 4.40% 546 16375 5.07% 163356 4900676 4.40%
19 1165 34963 4.87% 942 28280 4.87% 62 1869 3.54% 165932 4977959 4.46% 536 16080 4.98% 165932 4977959 4.46%
20 1178 35346 4.93% 926 27795 4.79% 90 2708 5.12% 202002 6060062 5.43% 532 15971 4.95% 202002 6060062 5.43%
21 1082 32488 4.53% 885 26575 4.58% 78 2357 4.46% 170497 5114913 4.59% 496 14877 4.61% 170497 5114913 4.59%
22 1123 33704 4.70% 842 25271 4.35% 79 2394 4.53% 186086 5582587 5.01% 522 15660 4.85% 186086 5582587 5.01%
23 888 26643 3.71% 747 22417 3.86% 68 2056 3.89% 183647 5509424 4.94% 403 12103 3.75% 183647 5509424 4.94%

Top 30 of 23829 Total URLs
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 26690 3.72% 25712563 23.06% 13914 4.31% 25712563 23.06% /PJKbook.pdf
2 11016 1.54% 68340 0.06% 4720 1.46% 68340 0.06% /
3 8097 1.13% 95584 0.09% 2582 0.80% 95584 0.09% /webalizer/
4 4907 0.68% 12034 0.01% 2010 0.62% 12034 0.01% /favicon.ico
5 2745 0.38% 507629 0.46% 910 0.28% 507629 0.46% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
6 2683 0.37% 2684148 2.41% 1318 0.41% 2684148 2.41% /SimpleFE.pdf
7 2416 0.34% 2308750 2.07% 1352 0.42% 2308750 2.07% /Green Water.pdf
8 2402 0.33% 8469 0.01% 1110 0.34% 8469 0.01% /Cead.bmp
9 2188 0.31% 2114290 1.90% 1103 0.34% 2114290 1.90% /Moray5.pdf
10 2171 0.30% 1042534 0.93% 1278 0.40% 1042534 0.93% /MaxwellPapers.pdf
11 1897 0.26% 349467 0.31% 626 0.19% 349467 0.31% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
12 1876 0.26% 1125444 1.01% 982 0.30% 1125444 1.01% /Lodge.pdf
13 1772 0.25% 2665037 2.39% 938 0.29% 2665037 2.39% /Newman.pdf
14 1757 0.24% 1540469 1.38% 785 0.24% 1540469 1.38% /TeslaCSN.pdf
15 1378 0.19% 1847978 1.66% 771 0.24% 1847978 1.66% /Davson.pdf
16 1365 0.19% 72876 0.07% 763 0.24% 72876 0.07% /indexOct2018.html
17 1112 0.16% 800350 0.72% 577 0.18% 800350 0.72% /Lodge3.pdf
18 1076 0.15% 569445 0.51% 568 0.18% 569445 0.51% /Appendix.pdf
19 1037 0.14% 199485 0.18% 352 0.11% 199485 0.18% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
20 1002 0.14% 1133441 1.02% 536 0.17% 1133441 1.02% /TeslaBook.pdf
21 877 0.12% 3006410 2.70% 413 0.13% 3006410 2.70% /eBookI.pdf
22 866 0.12% 116539 0.10% 306 0.09% 116539 0.10% /webalizer/usage_202406.html
23 790 0.11% 1614217 1.45% 466 0.14% 1614217 1.45% /eBookS.pdf
24 788 0.11% 1172206 1.05% 388 0.12% 1172206 1.05% /DonKelly.pdf
25 773 0.11% 589457 0.53% 348 0.11% 589457 0.53% /VladimirUtkin.pdf
26 742 0.10% 449165 0.40% 357 0.11% 449165 0.40% /The Evolution of Matter.pdf
27 720 0.10% 2055757 1.84% 371 0.11% 2055757 1.84% /eBookG.pdf
28 675 0.09% 864117 0.77% 355 0.11% 864117 0.77% /PJKappendix.pdf
29 654 0.09% 250804 0.22% 174 0.05% 250804 0.22% /Kindle/Chapter
30 643 0.09% 933843 0.84% 233 0.07% 933843 0.84% /Russian/SFE.pdf

Top 10 of 23829 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 26690 3.72% 25712563 23.06% 13914 4.31% 25712563 23.06% /PJKbook.pdf
2 877 0.12% 3006410 2.70% 413 0.13% 3006410 2.70% /eBookI.pdf
3 2683 0.37% 2684148 2.41% 1318 0.41% 2684148 2.41% /SimpleFE.pdf
4 1772 0.25% 2665037 2.39% 938 0.29% 2665037 2.39% /Newman.pdf
5 2416 0.34% 2308750 2.07% 1352 0.42% 2308750 2.07% /Green Water.pdf
6 2188 0.31% 2114290 1.90% 1103 0.34% 2114290 1.90% /Moray5.pdf
7 720 0.10% 2055757 1.84% 371 0.11% 2055757 1.84% /eBookG.pdf
8 1378 0.19% 1847978 1.66% 771 0.24% 1847978 1.66% /Davson.pdf
9 790 0.11% 1614217 1.45% 466 0.14% 1614217 1.45% /eBookS.pdf
10 1757 0.24% 1540469 1.38% 785 0.24% 1540469 1.38% /TeslaCSN.pdf

Top 10 of 749 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11016 1.54% 3149 21.01% /
2 1365 0.19% 836 5.58% /indexOct2018.html
3 1037 0.14% 571 3.81% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
4 624 0.09% 463 3.09% /PJKBook.html
5 322 0.04% 287 1.92% /Chapt6S.html
6 389 0.05% 271 1.81% /SChapt31.html
7 278 0.04% 236 1.57% /Chapt16b.html
8 237 0.03% 183 1.22% /Spanish.html
9 2745 0.38% 158 1.05% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
10 197 0.03% 145 0.97% /Chapt5.html

Top 10 of 754 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11016 1.54% 2898 19.32% /
2 1365 0.19% 918 6.12% /indexOct2018.html
3 1037 0.14% 571 3.81% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
4 624 0.09% 430 2.87% /PJKBook.html
5 389 0.05% 283 1.89% /SChapt31.html
6 322 0.04% 278 1.85% /Chapt6S.html
7 278 0.04% 220 1.47% /Chapt16b.html
8 237 0.03% 179 1.19% /Spanish.html
9 2745 0.38% 160 1.07% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
10 177 0.02% 145 0.97% /Chapt3.html

Top 30 of 12386 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 8064 1.12% 8064 1.39% 95281 0.09% 2571 0.80% 95281 0.09% 4 0.02%
2 7859 1.10% 7746 1.33% 1650188 1.48% 3560 1.10% 1650188 1.48% 8 0.05%
3 7778 1.08% 7742 1.33% 1555012 1.39% 4489 1.39% 1555012 1.39% 6 0.04%
4 7021 0.98% 7021 1.21% 1181504 1.06% 4309 1.34% 1181504 1.06% 0 0.00%
5 6977 0.97% 6907 1.19% 164277 0.15% 2791 0.86% 164277 0.15% 2 0.01%
6 6397 0.89% 6342 1.09% 1484783 1.33% 4148 1.29% 1484783 1.33% 5 0.03%
7 5743 0.80% 5717 0.98% 701232 0.63% 2212 0.69% 701232 0.63% 5 0.03%
8 4767 0.66% 2877 0.50% 911143 0.82% 1597 0.49% 911143 0.82% 148 0.91%
9 4453 0.62% 4438 0.76% 97994 0.09% 1913 0.59% 97994 0.09% 8 0.05%
10 3929 0.55% 3929 0.68% 3445 0.00% 1835 0.57% 3445 0.00% 223 1.37%
11 3918 0.55% 2046 0.35% 1395917 1.25% 1367 0.42% 1395917 1.25% 183 1.12%
12 3771 0.53% 3771 0.65% 698030 0.63% 1244 0.39% 698030 0.63% 3 0.02%
13 3692 0.51% 3498 0.60% 304714 0.27% 1509 0.47% 304714 0.27% 8 0.05%
14 3681 0.51% 3655 0.63% 98030 0.09% 1420 0.44% 98030 0.09% 1 0.01%
15 3484 0.49% 3414 0.59% 80980 0.07% 1813 0.56% 80980 0.07% 7 0.04%
16 3096 0.43% 2664 0.46% 44925 0.04% 1359 0.42% 44925 0.04% 2 0.01%
17 3014 0.42% 1340 0.23% 711760 0.64% 925 0.29% 711760 0.64% 2 0.01%
18 2991 0.42% 2991 0.52% 72351 0.06% 1297 0.40% 72351 0.06% 6 0.04%
19 2899 0.40% 2823 0.49% 120731 0.11% 1127 0.35% 120731 0.11% 7 0.04%
20 2897 0.40% 2829 0.49% 262061 0.24% 1211 0.38% 262061 0.24% 6 0.04%
21 2896 0.40% 2672 0.46% 260777 0.23% 1407 0.44% 260777 0.23% 10 0.06%
22 2833 0.39% 1580 0.27% 1073774 0.96% 1004 0.31% 1073774 0.96% 170 1.04%
23 2829 0.39% 1562 0.27% 787686 0.71% 993 0.31% 787686 0.71% 153 0.94%
24 2801 0.39% 2671 0.46% 53975 0.05% 1305 0.40% 53975 0.05% 2 0.01%
25 2751 0.38% 2661 0.46% 35552 0.03% 1141 0.35% 35552 0.03% 3 0.02%
26 2366 0.33% 2301 0.40% 88561 0.08% 1056 0.33% 88561 0.08% 3 0.02%
27 2154 0.30% 2138 0.37% 702805 0.63% 846 0.26% 702805 0.63% 6 0.04%
28 2107 0.29% 1813 0.31% 30575 0.03% 834 0.26% 30575 0.03% 32 0.20%
29 2094 0.29% 2054 0.35% 318840 0.29% 946 0.29% 318840 0.29% 2 0.01%
30 2020 0.28% 1155 0.20% 931339 0.84% 724 0.22% 931339 0.84% 155 0.95%

Top 10 of 12386 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 742 0.10% 596 0.10% 1699917 1.52% 494 0.15% 1699917 1.52% 7 0.04%
2 7859 1.10% 7746 1.33% 1650188 1.48% 3560 1.10% 1650188 1.48% 8 0.05%
3 7778 1.08% 7742 1.33% 1555012 1.39% 4489 1.39% 1555012 1.39% 6 0.04%
4 6397 0.89% 6342 1.09% 1484783 1.33% 4148 1.29% 1484783 1.33% 5 0.03%
5 3918 0.55% 2046 0.35% 1395917 1.25% 1367 0.42% 1395917 1.25% 183 1.12%
6 7021 0.98% 7021 1.21% 1181504 1.06% 4309 1.34% 1181504 1.06% 0 0.00%
7 1674 0.23% 1622 0.28% 1140076 1.02% 920 0.29% 1140076 1.02% 4 0.02%
8 1165 0.16% 1076 0.19% 1121501 1.01% 634 0.20% 1121501 1.01% 7 0.04%
9 2833 0.39% 1580 0.27% 1073774 0.96% 1004 0.31% 1073774 0.96% 170 1.04%
10 1182 0.16% 769 0.13% 1019964 0.91% 434 0.13% 1019964 0.91% 81 0.50%

Top 100 of 1951 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 152355 21.24%
2 119277 16.63% - (Direct Request)
3 57429 8.01%
4 31275 4.36%
5 26001 3.63%
6 24092 3.36%
7 19374 2.70%
8 18412 2.57%
9 13304 1.85%
10 12941 1.80%
11 9360 1.30%
12 8085 1.13%
13 7399 1.03%
14 7173 1.00%
15 7084 0.99%
16 6368 0.89%
17 5267 0.73%
18 4938 0.69%
19 4719 0.66%
20 4685 0.65%
21 4309 0.60%
22 4296 0.60%
23 3771 0.53%
24 3433 0.48%
25 3088 0.43%
26 3036 0.42%
27 3019 0.42%
28 3010 0.42%
29 2957 0.41%
30 2748 0.38%
31 2710 0.38%
32 2689 0.37%
33 2669 0.37%
34 2527 0.35%
35 2084 0.29%
36 2041 0.28%
37 2015 0.28%
38 1946 0.27%
39 1703 0.24%
40 1700 0.24%
41 1676 0.23%
42 1629 0.23%
43 1623 0.23%
44 1527 0.21%
45 1511 0.21%
46 1454 0.20%
47 1452 0.20% TutorialR.htm
48 1451 0.20%
49 1451 0.20%
50 1442 0.20%
51 1386 0.19%
52 1372 0.19%
53 1217 0.17%
54 1128 0.16%
55 1123 0.16%
56 1106 0.15%
57 1097 0.15%
58 1079 0.15%
59 1051 0.15%
60 1051 0.15%
61 1049 0.15%
62 1037 0.14%
63 980 0.14%
64 969 0.14%
65 945 0.13%
66 937 0.13%
67 911 0.13%
68 907 0.13%
69 872 0.12%
70 859 0.12%
71 842 0.12%
72 834 0.12%
73 776 0.11%
74 775 0.11%
75 760 0.11%
76 742 0.10%
77 740 0.10%
78 737 0.10%
79 735 0.10%
80 726 0.10%
81 720 0.10%
82 713 0.10%
83 694 0.10%
84 683 0.10%
85 679 0.09%
86 664 0.09%
87 649 0.09%
88 648 0.09%
89 637 0.09%
90 628 0.09%
91 621 0.09%
92 611 0.09%
93 601 0.08%
94 598 0.08%
95 582 0.08%
96 582 0.08%
97 575 0.08%
98 573 0.08%
99 571 0.08%
100 568 0.08%

Top 15 of 15 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 12.50% magnetic amplifier principle on kapanadze device
2 1 6.25% alexkor radiant charger circuit
3 1 6.25%
4 1 6.25%
5 1 6.25%
6 1 6.25%
7 1 6.25%
8 1 6.25%
9 1 6.25%
10 1 6.25%
11 1 6.25%
12 1 6.25%
13 1 6.25% laserhacker. com
14 1 6.25% simple battery free energy
15 1 6.25% simple real free energy

Top 15 of 4421 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 53440 7.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 48175 6.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 43438 6.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
4 31227 4.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
5 28681 4.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0
6 25829 3.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
7 20580 2.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
8 19228 2.68% Googlebot-Image/1.0
9 18724 2.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
10 18173 2.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 17063 2.38% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
12 13146 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
13 9878 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
14 9526 1.33% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148
15 6705 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 104 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Country
1 260978 36.39% 241562 41.59% 36248297 32.51% 119734 37.10% 36248297 32.51% Unresolved/Unknown
2 128819 17.96% 108463 18.68% 30384686 27.25% 52298 16.20% 30384686 27.25% Commercial (com)
3 115053 16.04% 107163 18.45% 22928914 20.56% 54179 16.79% 22928914 20.56% Network (net)
4 26090 3.64% 23565 4.06% 2555275 2.29% 10726 3.32% 2555275 2.29% Germany
5 17518 2.44% 17312 2.98% 2682956 2.41% 7126 2.21% 2682956 2.41% United Kingdom
6 16191 2.26% 15110 2.60% 500704 0.45% 7202 2.23% 500704 0.45% Hungary
7 14273 1.99% 13645 2.35% 1021648 0.92% 6465 2.00% 1021648 0.92% Poland
8 13599 1.90% 12691 2.19% 883671 0.79% 6633 2.05% 883671 0.79% Brazil
9 11403 1.59% 10659 1.84% 212332 0.19% 4943 1.53% 212332 0.19% Bulgaria
10 10503 1.46% 9827 1.69% 1199650 1.08% 5189 1.61% 1199650 1.08% Italy
11 8674 1.21% 8404 1.45% 686898 0.62% 3671 1.14% 686898 0.62% Russian Federation
12 6583 0.92% 6398 1.10% 302323 0.27% 3272 1.01% 302323 0.27% Belgium
13 5765 0.80% 5590 0.96% 424943 0.38% 2604 0.81% 424943 0.38% France
14 5276 0.74% 5113 0.88% 762898 0.68% 2555 0.79% 762898 0.68% Romania
15 5001 0.70% 4798 0.83% 816876 0.73% 2377 0.74% 816876 0.73% Spain
16 4450 0.62% 4076 0.70% 361876 0.32% 1887 0.58% 361876 0.32% Czech Republic
17 4390 0.61% 4155 0.72% 136791 0.12% 2366 0.73% 136791 0.12% Turkey
18 4126 0.58% 3754 0.65% 832649 0.75% 2099 0.65% 832649 0.75% Australia
19 4078 0.57% 3812 0.66% 897273 0.80% 1958 0.61% 897273 0.80% Canada
20 3978 0.55% 3772 0.65% 492554 0.44% 1824 0.57% 492554 0.44% Argentina
21 3734 0.52% 3617 0.62% 170109 0.15% 1844 0.57% 170109 0.15% Mexico
22 3294 0.46% 3164 0.54% 116545 0.10% 1578 0.49% 116545 0.10% Slovakia
23 2983 0.42% 2396 0.41% 879964 0.79% 1087 0.34% 879964 0.79% European Union
24 2430 0.34% 2376 0.41% 69915 0.06% 1049 0.32% 69915 0.06% Switzerland
25 2364 0.33% 2216 0.38% 243587 0.22% 1387 0.43% 243587 0.22% New Zealand
26 2338 0.33% 2304 0.40% 251322 0.23% 1082 0.34% 251322 0.23% Ukraine
27 2058 0.29% 1913 0.33% 165781 0.15% 870 0.27% 165781 0.15% Netherlands
28 1895 0.26% 1761 0.30% 57208 0.05% 1119 0.35% 57208 0.05% Sweden
29 1831 0.26% 1732 0.30% 569108 0.51% 847 0.26% 569108 0.51% Madagascar
30 1766 0.25% 1702 0.29% 1266784 1.14% 972 0.30% 1266784 1.14% Iran

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23