Usage statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 06:25 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 986308
Total Files 831833
Total Pages 202949
Total Visits 15508
Total kB Files 111593727
Total kB In 428966
Total kB Out 111593727
Total Unique Sites 12220
Total Unique URLs 24779
Total Unique Referrers 1966
Total Unique User Agents 3207
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1325 15839
Hits per Day 31816 68032
Files per Day 26833 60446
Pages per Day 6546 10003
Sites per Day 394 1206
Visits per Day 500 838
kB Files per Day 3599798 8466987
kB In per Day 13838 32443
kB Out per Day 3599798 8466987
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 84.34% 831833
Code 206 - Partial Content 5.68% 56027
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 336
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.30% 12858
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.02% 29751
Code 404 - Not Found 5.59% 55105
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 323
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.01% 75

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F kB In kB Out
1 39320 3.99% 33342 4.01% 9970 4.91% 542 3.49% 1161 9.50% 7453646 6.68% 17366 4.05% 7453646 6.68%
2 28120 2.85% 25150 3.02% 7871 3.88% 478 3.08% 1116 9.13% 2563501 2.30% 12056 2.81% 2563501 2.30%
3 28318 2.87% 25457 3.06% 7842 3.86% 582 3.75% 1206 9.87% 3295987 2.95% 12881 3.00% 3295987 2.95%
4 25544 2.59% 22972 2.76% 8568 4.22% 838 5.40% 1038 8.49% 2281506 2.04% 10799 2.52% 2281506 2.04%
5 27486 2.79% 24026 2.89% 8057 3.97% 458 2.95% 1026 8.40% 2567971 2.30% 11346 2.64% 2567971 2.30%
6 61940 6.28% 54722 6.58% 10003 4.93% 702 4.53% 1144 9.36% 8466987 7.59% 28429 6.63% 8466987 7.59%
7 68032 6.90% 36786 4.42% 8575 4.23% 670 4.32% 917 7.50% 4127864 3.70% 32443 7.56% 4127864 3.70%
8 33951 3.44% 21455 2.58% 7613 3.75% 501 3.23% 1030 8.43% 1695474 1.52% 14564 3.40% 1695474 1.52%
9 29187 2.96% 24461 2.94% 7229 3.56% 360 2.32% 1049 8.58% 3507211 3.14% 12641 2.95% 3507211 3.14%
10 23662 2.40% 20904 2.51% 7481 3.69% 440 2.84% 578 4.73% 2585143 2.32% 10353 2.41% 2585143 2.32%
11 18731 1.90% 17061 2.05% 7477 3.68% 313 2.02% 519 4.25% 2093376 1.88% 7878 1.84% 2093376 1.88%
12 30648 3.11% 27186 3.27% 8664 4.27% 401 2.59% 544 4.45% 4328054 3.88% 13753 3.21% 4328054 3.88%
13 20899 2.12% 17556 2.11% 7538 3.71% 369 2.38% 525 4.30% 2296352 2.06% 9087 2.12% 2296352 2.06%
14 35465 3.60% 26145 3.14% 7972 3.93% 442 2.85% 617 5.05% 3270938 2.93% 17522 4.08% 3270938 2.93%
15 31028 3.15% 27052 3.25% 9435 4.65% 667 4.30% 688 5.63% 5332443 4.78% 14212 3.31% 5332443 4.78%
16 37569 3.81% 34617 4.16% 8877 4.37% 589 3.80% 631 5.16% 3391874 3.04% 15563 3.63% 3391874 3.04%
17 23003 2.33% 20977 2.52% 8293 4.09% 575 3.71% 630 5.16% 2939047 2.63% 10098 2.35% 2939047 2.63%
18 36993 3.75% 34115 4.10% 7944 3.91% 512 3.30% 643 5.26% 2802402 2.51% 16627 3.88% 2802402 2.51%
19 37326 3.78% 31952 3.84% 8109 4.00% 503 3.24% 601 4.92% 2838516 2.54% 16357 3.81% 2838516 2.54%
20 30518 3.09% 22179 2.67% 7834 3.86% 430 2.77% 659 5.39% 4290259 3.84% 14177 3.30% 4290259 3.84%
21 26335 2.67% 23371 2.81% 8173 4.03% 384 2.48% 599 4.90% 2802996 2.51% 11382 2.65% 2802996 2.51%
22 24297 2.46% 20377 2.45% 8411 4.14% 402 2.59% 576 4.71% 3153377 2.83% 10436 2.43% 3153377 2.83%
23 26781 2.72% 24181 2.91% 7637 3.76% 446 2.88% 607 4.97% 3436771 3.08% 11743 2.74% 3436771 3.08%
24 26914 2.73% 23112 2.78% 4122 2.03% 443 2.86% 642 5.25% 4251781 3.81% 11940 2.78% 4251781 3.81%
25 23920 2.43% 21355 2.57% 1265 0.62% 438 2.82% 779 6.37% 3220773 2.89% 10252 2.39% 3220773 2.89%
26 31453 3.19% 28421 3.42% 1077 0.53% 426 2.75% 653 5.34% 4057235 3.64% 11411 2.66% 4057235 3.64%
27 21916 2.22% 19623 2.36% 1026 0.51% 426 2.75% 664 5.43% 2411401 2.16% 9615 2.24% 2411401 2.16%
28 27850 2.82% 24792 2.98% 1672 0.82% 584 3.77% 733 6.00% 2556095 2.29% 12570 2.93% 2556095 2.29%
29 22066 2.24% 18760 2.26% 1282 0.63% 662 4.27% 663 5.43% 3683413 3.30% 10380 2.42% 3683413 3.30%
30 23085 2.34% 19280 2.32% 1252 0.62% 486 3.13% 611 5.00% 4333079 3.88% 10283 2.40% 4333079 3.88%
31 63951 6.48% 60446 7.27% 1680 0.83% 521 3.36% 629 5.15% 5558256 4.98% 20805 4.85% 5558256 4.98%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F kB In kB Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1742 54008 5.48% 1181 36631 4.40% 268 8338 4.11% 217422 6740081 6.04% 809 25092 5.85% 217422 6740081 6.04%
1 1471 45626 4.63% 1029 31904 3.84% 265 8215 4.05% 109404 3391536 3.04% 622 19285 4.50% 109404 3391536 3.04%
2 953 29553 3.00% 867 26885 3.23% 280 8682 4.28% 108082 3350543 3.00% 369 11444 2.67% 108082 3350543 3.00%
3 1092 33873 3.43% 961 29813 3.58% 276 8583 4.23% 109361 3390198 3.04% 421 13063 3.05% 109361 3390198 3.04%
4 1266 39256 3.98% 1132 35116 4.22% 281 8726 4.30% 81495 2526350 2.26% 509 15770 3.68% 81495 2526350 2.26%
5 893 27699 2.81% 750 23275 2.80% 286 8871 4.37% 115502 3580548 3.21% 380 11790 2.75% 115502 3580548 3.21%
6 956 29665 3.01% 771 23916 2.88% 266 8269 4.07% 114115 3537559 3.17% 408 12652 2.95% 114115 3537559 3.17%
7 1246 38629 3.92% 1149 35627 4.28% 277 8609 4.24% 116702 3617762 3.24% 480 14893 3.47% 116702 3617762 3.24%
8 1308 40572 4.11% 1209 37503 4.51% 275 8541 4.21% 150341 4660583 4.18% 537 16634 3.88% 150341 4660583 4.18%
9 1172 36353 3.69% 1020 31621 3.80% 275 8548 4.21% 120612 3738970 3.35% 518 16043 3.74% 120612 3738970 3.35%
10 1146 35530 3.60% 994 30817 3.70% 274 8513 4.19% 130967 4059962 3.64% 496 15385 3.59% 130967 4059962 3.64%
11 1069 33158 3.36% 911 28261 3.40% 272 8460 4.17% 104002 3224055 2.89% 464 14384 3.35% 104002 3224055 2.89%
12 1090 33816 3.43% 977 30310 3.64% 267 8299 4.09% 117859 3653629 3.27% 478 14804 3.45% 117859 3653629 3.27%
13 1087 33720 3.42% 931 28888 3.47% 282 8766 4.32% 181183 5616659 5.03% 475 14713 3.43% 181183 5616659 5.03%
14 1592 49356 5.00% 1268 39320 4.73% 259 8031 3.96% 154961 4803781 4.30% 717 22220 5.18% 154961 4803781 4.30%
15 1328 41193 4.18% 1105 34266 4.12% 266 8251 4.07% 157804 4891921 4.38% 603 18690 4.36% 157804 4891921 4.38%
16 1685 52254 5.30% 1464 45385 5.46% 262 8132 4.01% 190855 5916509 5.30% 738 22864 5.33% 190855 5916509 5.30%
17 1370 42497 4.31% 1200 37209 4.47% 262 8144 4.01% 163669 5073724 4.55% 621 19261 4.49% 163669 5073724 4.55%
18 1367 42386 4.30% 1227 38038 4.57% 270 8390 4.13% 140760 4363552 3.91% 604 18737 4.37% 140760 4363552 3.91%
19 1230 38144 3.87% 1015 31485 3.79% 268 8326 4.10% 149987 4649586 4.17% 545 16889 3.94% 149987 4649586 4.17%
20 1430 44351 4.50% 1253 38862 4.67% 276 8572 4.22% 127712 3959060 3.55% 640 19829 4.62% 127712 3959060 3.55%
21 1723 53443 5.42% 1534 47562 5.72% 273 8468 4.17% 251065 7783020 6.97% 764 23671 5.52% 251065 7783020 6.97%
22 1821 56472 5.73% 1575 48829 5.87% 280 8699 4.29% 311478 9655830 8.65% 829 25684 5.99% 311478 9655830 8.65%
23 1766 54754 5.55% 1300 40310 4.85% 274 8516 4.20% 174462 5408307 4.85% 812 25169 5.87% 174462 5408307 4.85%

Top 30 of 24779 Total URLs
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 161186 16.34% 762448 0.68% 68107 15.88% 762448 0.68% /
2 21697 2.20% 21443535 19.22% 11129 2.59% 21443535 19.22% /PJKbook.pdf
3 5992 0.61% 2343523 2.10% 3652 0.85% 2343523 2.10% /eBookS.pdf
4 5398 0.55% 984141 0.88% 1815 0.42% 984141 0.88% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
5 5230 0.53% 12821 0.01% 2132 0.50% 12821 0.01% /favicon.ico
6 4445 0.45% 1134 0.00% 1798 0.42% 1134 0.00% /webalizer/
7 3442 0.35% 634257 0.57% 1138 0.27% 634257 0.57% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
8 2959 0.30% 10483 0.01% 1295 0.30% 10483 0.01% /Cead.bmp
9 2743 0.28% 7032693 6.30% 1251 0.29% 7032693 6.30% /eBookI.pdf
10 2718 0.28% 3241495 2.90% 1365 0.32% 3241495 2.90% /eBookG.pdf
11 2209 0.22% 2679085 2.40% 1125 0.26% 2679085 2.40% /SimpleFE.pdf
12 2074 0.21% 4382426 3.93% 1091 0.25% 4382426 3.93% /Newman.pdf
13 1543 0.16% 1091735 0.98% 789 0.18% 1091735 0.98% /Lodge.pdf
14 1516 0.15% 293107 0.26% 513 0.12% 293107 0.26% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
15 1434 0.15% 1859073 1.67% 711 0.17% 1859073 1.67% /Moray5.pdf
16 1364 0.14% 231775 0.21% 473 0.11% 231775 0.21% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
17 1280 0.13% 1940081 1.74% 773 0.18% 1940081 1.74% /Green Water.pdf
18 1200 0.12% 221250 0.20% 409 0.10% 221250 0.20% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
19 990 0.10% 49508 0.04% 496 0.12% 49508 0.04% /indexOct2018.html
20 961 0.10% 1014920 0.91% 518 0.12% 1014920 0.91% /PJKappendix.pdf
21 827 0.08% 2110067 1.89% 359 0.08% 2110067 1.89% /Rodin.pdf
22 717 0.07% 901953 0.81% 376 0.09% 901953 0.81% /TeslaBook.pdf
23 694 0.07% 1218080 1.09% 323 0.08% 1218080 1.09% /TeslaPatents/TeslaPatents.pdf
24 672 0.07% 1707 0.00% 284 0.07% 1707 0.00% /PJKBook.html
25 635 0.06% 2183243 1.96% 374 0.09% 2183243 1.96% /Davson.pdf
26 586 0.06% 543173 0.49% 274 0.06% 543173 0.49% /VladimirUtkin.pdf
27 555 0.06% 1309659 1.17% 296 0.07% 1309659 1.17% /Omissions.pdf
28 525 0.05% 200829 0.18% 140 0.03% 200829 0.18% /Kindle/Chapter
29 470 0.05% 1298823 1.16% 241 0.06% 1298823 1.16% /eBookF.pdf
30 459 0.05% 1296630 1.16% 190 0.04% 1296630 1.16% /TeslaCSN.pdf

Top 10 of 24779 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 21697 2.20% 21443535 19.22% 11129 2.59% 21443535 19.22% /PJKbook.pdf
2 2743 0.28% 7032693 6.30% 1251 0.29% 7032693 6.30% /eBookI.pdf
3 2074 0.21% 4382426 3.93% 1091 0.25% 4382426 3.93% /Newman.pdf
4 2718 0.28% 3241495 2.90% 1365 0.32% 3241495 2.90% /eBookG.pdf
5 2209 0.22% 2679085 2.40% 1125 0.26% 2679085 2.40% /SimpleFE.pdf
6 5992 0.61% 2343523 2.10% 3652 0.85% 2343523 2.10% /eBookS.pdf
7 635 0.06% 2183243 1.96% 374 0.09% 2183243 1.96% /Davson.pdf
8 827 0.08% 2110067 1.89% 359 0.08% 2110067 1.89% /Rodin.pdf
9 1280 0.13% 1940081 1.74% 773 0.18% 1940081 1.74% /Green Water.pdf
10 1434 0.15% 1859073 1.67% 711 0.17% 1859073 1.67% /Moray5.pdf

Top 10 of 712 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 161186 16.34% 3089 21.88% /
2 1516 0.15% 856 6.06% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
3 990 0.10% 521 3.69% /indexOct2018.html
4 3442 0.35% 516 3.65% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
5 672 0.07% 471 3.34% /PJKBook.html
6 417 0.04% 349 2.47% /Chapt6S.html
7 364 0.04% 287 2.03% /Chapt16b.html
8 354 0.04% 266 1.88% /SChapt31.html
9 253 0.03% 176 1.25% /Spanish.html
10 5398 0.55% 165 1.17% /webalizer/usage_202404.html

Top 10 of 714 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 161186 16.34% 2727 19.03% /
2 1516 0.15% 855 5.97% /webalizer/usage_201307.html
3 990 0.10% 657 4.59% /indexOct2018.html
4 3442 0.35% 516 3.60% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
5 672 0.07% 432 3.02% /PJKBook.html
6 417 0.04% 341 2.38% /Chapt6S.html
7 354 0.04% 272 1.90% /SChapt31.html
8 364 0.04% 265 1.85% /Chapt16b.html
9 253 0.03% 181 1.26% /Spanish.html
10 5398 0.55% 168 1.17% /webalizer/usage_202404.html

Top 30 of 12220 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 155612 15.78% 155612 18.71% 703597 0.63% 65949 15.37% 703597 0.63% 7 0.05%
2 55099 5.59% 35340 4.25% 5329683 4.78% 27948 6.52% 5329683 4.78% 24 0.15%
3 33607 3.41% 33446 4.02% 2691313 2.41% 7369 1.72% 2691313 2.41% 4 0.03%
4 25242 2.56% 21720 2.61% 366265 0.33% 10974 2.56% 366265 0.33% 3 0.02%
5 15883 1.61% 165 0.02% 9342 0.01% 8127 1.89% 9342 0.01% 4 0.03%
6 9426 0.96% 9357 1.12% 1169929 1.05% 3489 0.81% 1169929 1.05% 5 0.03%
7 8567 0.87% 8503 1.02% 1136163 1.02% 3372 0.79% 1136163 1.02% 8 0.05%
8 8560 0.87% 8481 1.02% 880227 0.79% 3374 0.79% 880227 0.79% 6 0.04%
9 5923 0.60% 5869 0.71% 1164534 1.04% 3651 0.85% 1164534 1.04% 2 0.01%
10 5656 0.57% 5624 0.68% 86737 0.08% 2029 0.47% 86737 0.08% 5 0.03%
11 5343 0.54% 3495 0.42% 2445732 2.19% 1798 0.42% 2445732 2.19% 292 1.88%
12 5296 0.54% 5221 0.63% 720745 0.65% 3330 0.78% 720745 0.65% 2 0.01%
13 5005 0.51% 4987 0.60% 85808 0.08% 643 0.15% 85808 0.08% 0 0.00%
14 4566 0.46% 4501 0.54% 228323 0.20% 2635 0.61% 228323 0.20% 4 0.03%
15 4353 0.44% 4027 0.48% 55175 0.05% 1830 0.43% 55175 0.05% 5 0.03%
16 4342 0.44% 4244 0.51% 91712 0.08% 1508 0.35% 91712 0.08% 6 0.04%
17 4248 0.43% 4213 0.51% 72127 0.06% 566 0.13% 72127 0.06% 1 0.01%
18 4111 0.42% 2536 0.30% 2689373 2.41% 1448 0.34% 2689373 2.41% 291 1.88%
19 3894 0.39% 3894 0.47% 103758 0.09% 1667 0.39% 103758 0.09% 25 0.16%
20 3743 0.38% 3671 0.44% 145230 0.13% 1630 0.38% 145230 0.13% 10 0.06%
21 3628 0.37% 3622 0.44% 52102 0.05% 1529 0.36% 52102 0.05% 6 0.04%
22 3391 0.34% 3346 0.40% 289374 0.26% 1254 0.29% 289374 0.26% 1 0.01%
23 3227 0.33% 2020 0.24% 2221877 1.99% 1137 0.27% 2221877 1.99% 297 1.92%
24 2762 0.28% 2722 0.33% 78280 0.07% 1435 0.33% 78280 0.07% 1 0.01%
25 2688 0.27% 2688 0.32% 496637 0.45% 888 0.21% 496637 0.45% 1 0.01%
26 2537 0.26% 2521 0.30% 181337 0.16% 1500 0.35% 181337 0.16% 2 0.01%
27 2526 0.26% 2425 0.29% 365956 0.33% 1170 0.27% 365956 0.33% 17 0.11%
28 2479 0.25% 2479 0.30% 384204 0.34% 1187 0.28% 384204 0.34% 0 0.00%
29 2249 0.23% 2139 0.26% 562768 0.50% 1157 0.27% 562768 0.50% 10 0.06%
30 2055 0.21% 2015 0.24% 44520 0.04% 1053 0.25% 44520 0.04% 5 0.03%

Top 10 of 12220 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 55099 5.59% 35340 4.25% 5329683 4.78% 27948 6.52% 5329683 4.78% 24 0.15%
2 33607 3.41% 33446 4.02% 2691313 2.41% 7369 1.72% 2691313 2.41% 4 0.03%
3 4111 0.42% 2536 0.30% 2689373 2.41% 1448 0.34% 2689373 2.41% 291 1.88%
4 5343 0.54% 3495 0.42% 2445732 2.19% 1798 0.42% 2445732 2.19% 292 1.88%
5 3227 0.33% 2020 0.24% 2221877 1.99% 1137 0.27% 2221877 1.99% 297 1.92%
6 600 0.06% 600 0.07% 1858039 1.67% 261 0.06% 1858039 1.67% 0 0.00%
7 1550 0.16% 1446 0.17% 1853395 1.66% 1744 0.41% 1853395 1.66% 15 0.10%
8 9426 0.96% 9357 1.12% 1169929 1.05% 3489 0.81% 1169929 1.05% 5 0.03%
9 5923 0.60% 5869 0.71% 1164534 1.04% 3651 0.85% 1164534 1.04% 2 0.01%
10 8567 0.87% 8503 1.02% 1136163 1.02% 3372 0.79% 1136163 1.02% 8 0.05%

Top 100 of 1966 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 156916 15.91% - (Direct Request)
2 108961 11.05%
3 66272 6.72%
4 31379 3.18%
5 31168 3.16%
6 31146 3.16%
7 31138 3.16%
8 31085 3.15%
9 31075 3.15%
10 30723 3.11%
11 29302 2.97%
12 24586 2.49%
13 24254 2.46%
14 20629 2.09%
15 17238 1.75%
16 10018 1.02%
17 8791 0.89%
18 6829 0.69%
19 5985 0.61%
20 5737 0.58%
21 5669 0.57%
22 5581 0.57%
23 5340 0.54%
24 4803 0.49%
25 4593 0.47%
26 4346 0.44%
27 4292 0.44% TutorialR.htm
28 4167 0.42%
29 4167 0.42%
30 4167 0.42%
31 3844 0.39%
32 3840 0.39%
33 3783 0.38%
34 3777 0.38%
35 3762 0.38%
36 3746 0.38%
37 3395 0.34%
38 3152 0.32%
39 3118 0.32%
40 3048 0.31%
41 3021 0.31%
42 2818 0.29%
43 2790 0.28%
44 2716 0.28%
45 2670 0.27%
46 2547 0.26%
47 2525 0.26%
48 2391 0.24%
49 2362 0.24%
50 2281 0.23%
51 2165 0.22%
52 2074 0.21%
53 2025 0.21%
54 1994 0.20%
55 1940 0.20%
56 1925 0.20%
57 1923 0.19%
58 1914 0.19%
59 1857 0.19%
60 1849 0.19%
61 1838 0.19%
62 1838 0.19%
63 1685 0.17% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/
64 1682 0.17%
65 1600 0.16%
66 1600 0.16%
67 1586 0.16%
68 1517 0.15%
69 1482 0.15%
70 1470 0.15%
71 1459 0.15%
72 1449 0.15%
73 1374 0.14%
74 1374 0.14%
75 1368 0.14%
76 1355 0.14%
77 1333 0.14%
78 1333 0.14%
79 1330 0.13%
80 1248 0.13%
81 1238 0.13%
82 1236 0.13% TutorialR_files/filelist.xml
83 1236 0.13% TutorialR_files/filelist.xml
84 1225 0.12%
85 1160 0.12%
86 1149 0.12%
87 1147 0.12%
88 1112 0.11%
89 1102 0.11%
90 1079 0.11%
91 1070 0.11%
92 1068 0.11%
93 1068 0.11%
94 1066 0.11%
95 1050 0.11%
96 1020 0.10%
97 1007 0.10%
98 972 0.10%
99 959 0.10%
100 947 0.10%

Top 11 of 11 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 17.65%
2 3 17.65%
3 3 17.65%
4 1 5.88%
5 1 5.88%
6 1 5.88%
7 1 5.88%
8 1 5.88%
9 1 5.88%
10 1 5.88%
11 1 5.88% π‘π²πΎπ΅ π΅π»π΅πΊρ‚ρ€πΈρ‡π΅ρρ‚π²πΎ ρ πΏπΎπΌπΎρ‰ρŒρŽ πΌπ΅π΄π½πΈρ… πΊπ°ρ‚ρƒρˆπ΅πΊ πΈ πΌπ°π³π½πΈρ‚πΎπ²

Top 15 of 3207 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 74351 7.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 70892 7.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36
3 45421 4.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
4 42046 4.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
5 35559 3.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0
6 33088 3.35% CyotekWebCopy/1.9 CyotekHTTP/6.4
7 28647 2.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
8 27419 2.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 25242 2.56% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/101.0.4951.41 Safari/537.36
10 19194 1.95% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
11 18861 1.91% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
12 15599 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 15279 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
14 13325 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
15 12849 1.30% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 109 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Country
1 440894 44.70% 388276 46.68% 38835850 34.80% 200412 46.72% 38835850 34.80% Unresolved/Unknown
2 146509 14.85% 139770 16.80% 18506181 16.58% 61140 14.25% 18506181 16.58% Network (net)
3 138479 14.04% 118587 14.26% 27341158 24.50% 50717 11.82% 27341158 24.50% Commercial (com)
4 60759 6.16% 55489 6.67% 4005547 3.59% 26855 6.26% 4005547 3.59% Germany
5 20212 2.05% 19794 2.38% 2302302 2.06% 8339 1.94% 2302302 2.06% Canada
6 17397 1.76% 15607 1.88% 303044 0.27% 7162 1.67% 303044 0.27% Hungary
7 15696 1.59% 13930 1.67% 3821382 3.42% 7250 1.69% 3821382 3.42% Italy
8 11447 1.16% 10763 1.29% 948814 0.85% 5557 1.30% 948814 0.85% Poland
9 8914 0.90% 7240 0.87% 216473 0.19% 4142 0.97% 216473 0.19% Bulgaria
10 7174 0.73% 6839 0.82% 836785 0.75% 3322 0.77% 836785 0.75% France
11 6701 0.68% 6500 0.78% 249272 0.22% 2879 0.67% 249272 0.22% Spain
12 6484 0.66% 6278 0.75% 500701 0.45% 3014 0.70% 500701 0.45% Brazil
13 5891 0.60% 5708 0.69% 559274 0.50% 2632 0.61% 559274 0.50% Austria
14 5698 0.58% 5406 0.65% 521083 0.47% 2548 0.59% 521083 0.47% Romania
15 5659 0.57% 5434 0.65% 266832 0.24% 2760 0.64% 266832 0.24% Slovakia
16 5453 0.55% 4772 0.57% 820643 0.74% 2193 0.51% 820643 0.74% Russian Federation
17 5146 0.52% 5026 0.60% 580667 0.52% 2391 0.56% 580667 0.52% Colombia
18 4938 0.50% 4803 0.58% 182256 0.16% 2206 0.51% 182256 0.16% Argentina
19 4890 0.50% 4004 0.48% 727900 0.65% 1686 0.39% 727900 0.65% European Union
20 4550 0.46% 4368 0.53% 357989 0.32% 2041 0.48% 357989 0.32% Serbia
21 4397 0.45% 3926 0.47% 813386 0.73% 1940 0.45% 813386 0.73% Netherlands
22 3676 0.37% 3174 0.38% 321801 0.29% 1691 0.39% 321801 0.29% Mexico
23 3629 0.37% 3454 0.42% 784475 0.70% 1698 0.40% 784475 0.70% Belgium
24 3475 0.35% 3239 0.39% 424718 0.38% 1777 0.41% 424718 0.38% Australia
25 2957 0.30% 2875 0.35% 89144 0.08% 1389 0.32% 89144 0.08% Ukraine
26 2884 0.29% 2845 0.34% 400604 0.36% 1213 0.28% 400604 0.36% Madagascar
27 2784 0.28% 2728 0.33% 77114 0.07% 1182 0.28% 77114 0.07% Thailand
28 2214 0.22% 1984 0.24% 50693 0.05% 1082 0.25% 50693 0.05% Vietnam
29 2133 0.22% 1951 0.23% 404780 0.36% 1231 0.29% 404780 0.36% South Africa
30 2101 0.21% 1988 0.24% 165797 0.15% 981 0.23% 165797 0.15% Czech Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23