Der Zweck dieser Website ist es, Sie mit einer Einführung in einer Reihe von Geräten, die gezeigt haben, sehr interessante Eigenschaften und einige sind (fälschlicherweise) als "Perpetuum mobile" Maschinen beschriebenen bieten. Was ist, dass Sie sagen - Perpetuum mobile unmöglich ist? Mein, du bist ein schwer zu finden. Die Elektronen in den Molekülen der Gesteinsformationen wurden stetig Spinnerei für Millionen von Jahren ohne Unterbrechung - an welchem Punkt Sie werden mir zustimmen, dass sie in ständiger Bewegung sind? Also, warum nicht Elektronen die Energie ausgeht und nur verlangsamen, zum Stillstand? Scientosts haben gezeigt, dass das Universum ein Hexenkessel von Energie mit Partikeln knallen ins Dasein ist, und dann fallen wieder heraus. Wenn E = mC2, dann können wir sehen, dass eine enorme Menge an Energie, die benötigt wird, um jede Form von Materie zu schaffen. Sie bemerken, dass, wenn wir tippen sogar einen kleinen Teil der dass die Energie, dann würden wir freie Energie für unsere Lebensdauer haben. Das Gesetz von der Erhaltung der Energie wird allgemein angenommen, um korrekt zu sein, wenn es, dass mehr Energie kann nicht aus jedem System genommen werden, als in dieses System setzen heißt. Allerdings bedeutet das nicht, dass wir kann nicht mehr Energie herausbekommen, eines Systems, als wir hineinsteckt. Ein krasses Beispiel ist ein Solarpanel im Sonnenlicht. Wir bekommen elektrische Leistung aus dem Panel, aber wir dürfen Sie das Sonnenlicht in der Platte - das Sonnenlicht kommt auf seine eigenen. Dieses Beispiel ist einfach, wie wir das Sonnenlicht erreicht die Solarzelle sehen können. Nebenbei könnte es sein, bemerkte, dass das "Gesetz" von der Erhaltung der Energie wurde vor kurzem erwies sich als falsch, aber wäre es nicht stört mich überhaupt, ob es tatsächlich waren Recht, wie es ein "geschlossenes System", das etwas, das nicht tut, ist davon gibt es irgendwo im Universum. Wenn statt des Solarpanels wir ein Gerät, das einen Teil der Energie, die Quantenmechanik beobachtet absorbiert und gibt aus hatten, sagen, Strom, wäre das so anders? Die meisten Leute sagen: "Ja - es ist unmöglich! "aber diese Reaktion beruht auf der Tatsache, dass wir nicht sehen können, dieses Meer von Energie. Sollten wir, dass ein TV-Gerät kann unmöglich funktionieren sagen, weil wir nicht sehen Fernsehsignalen? Viele Menschen haben Geräten und Ideen für die Erschließung dieser Energie produziert. Die Energie wird oft als "Zero-Point Energy", weil es die Energie, die bleiben, wenn ein System über seine Temperatur würde, ist gesenkt, um absoluten Nullpunkt. Diese Präsentation ist einführende Informationen darüber, was in diesem Bereich bereits erreicht worden: Geräte, die mehr Macht, als sie zur Ausführung erforderlich sind auszugeben. Das sieht aus, als wenn sie die im Widerspruch Gesetz der Erhaltung der Energie, aber sie tun es nicht, und Sie können das sehen, wenn Sie den Nullpunkt Energiefeld berücksichtigen. Die Informationen auf dieser Website werden viele verschiedene Geräte, mit Diagrammen, Fotografien, Erläuterungen, Hinweise auf Websites, etc. Da einige der Geräte ein Verständnis von elektronischen Schaltungen, eine einfache, Unterricht natürlich in der Elektronik muss sich auch in sofern Kapitel 12. Dies kann jemand ohne Vorkenntnisse der Elektronik zu nehmen, auf die Ebene, wo sie lesen, verstehen, gestalten und bauen die Art der Schaltungen mit diesen Geräten verwendeten. Dies ist ein sehr interessantes Feld und das Thema ist ganz spannend, wenn Sie hinter dem "es hat sich als unmöglich" Haltung zu bekommen. Wir waren einmal gesagt, dass es unmöglich sein würde, Zyklus bei mehr als 15 Stundenmeilen wie der Wind. Druck würde verhindern, dass die Radfahrer aus Atmung. Wollen Sie mit dieser Art von "Wissenschaftlichen Experten" bleiben? Viel Spaß - entdecken Sie die Fakten. Es gibt viele, viele interessante Geräte und Ideen bereits auf dem Netz. Diese Website nicht erwähnt, sie alle mit allen Mitteln. Was sie tut, wird ein Teil von dem, was in meiner Meinung zu nehmen, die vielversprechendsten und interessantesten Artikel, gruppieren Sie sie nach Kategorie, und versuchen sie klar und ohne allzu viele technische Begriffe beschreiben. Wenn Sie nicht vertraut mit Elektronik sind, dann einige Elemente kann schwierig sein, zu verstehen. In diesem Fall schlage ich vor, dass Sie mit Kapitel 12 beginnt und durch die es in Ordnung ist, bewegt egal auf welcher Geschwindigkeit zu Ihnen passt, vor der Prüfung der anderen Abschnitte. Ich hoffe, Sie genießen, was Sie lesen. Hinweis: Wenn Sie gelesen haben die Abschnitte unten, verwenden Sie den "Zurück"-Button Ihres Browsers, um zu dieser Seite zurückkehren. Sie müssen Version 7.0 oder höher des Adobe Acrobat "Reader, um diese Abschnitte anzuzeigen. Es kann kostenlos heruntergeladen werden: hier AUF DIESER WEB SITE DARGESTELLTEN MATERIALS IST NUR ZU INFORMATIONSZWECKEN. SOLLTEN SIE SICH ENTSCHEIDEN, JEDES GERÄT ZU KONSTRUIEREN ODER EXPERIMENTE DURCHFÜHREN, TUN SIE ALSO GANZ AUF EIGENE VERANTWORTUNG--WEDER DAS UNTERNEHMEN HOSTET DIESE WEBSITE, NOCH DER WEBSITE-DESIGNER SIND IN KEINER WEISE VERANTWORTLICH FÜR IHRE HANDLUNGEN ODER RESULTIERENDE VERLUSTE ODER SCHÄDEN JEDER ART, EINE AUFTRETEN SOLLTE ALS ERGEBNIS, WAS SIE TUN. Hinweis: Einige Versionen von Groogle Browser Chrome zu sein scheinen nicht in der Lage, um die pdf-dateien auf dieser Website richtig zu lesen. Das Ergebnis ist leere Seiten nach der ersten Seite. Wenn das passiert, dann benutzen Sie bitte den Microsoft Internet Explorer oder Mozilla Firefox-Browser, um eine ordnungsgemäße Kopie herunterzuladen, oder finden Sie die fehlende Chrome Plug-in benötigt. Vorwort Eine Erklärung, wie diese Informationen gesammelt und auf diese Weise zusammen mit einem kurzen Abriss Liste der abgedeckten. ePub Überblick Einführung: Eine kurze Anleitung, was Freie-Energie ist alles über, erklären die Grundlagen. ePub Kapitel 1 Magnet-Macht: Der Dauermagnet-Motor der ShenHe Wang, Die Magnet-Abschirmung Generator der John Ecklin, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Howard Johnson, Der "Carousel" Dauermagnet Motor/Generator, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Robert Tracy, Der Elektromagnet Motor der Ben Teal, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Jines, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Stephen Kundel, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Charles “Joe” Flynn, Die Magnetische Geräte der Steorn, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der George Soukup, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Dietmar Hohl, Einfache Dauermagnet Motoren, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Muammer Yildiz, Der Dauermagnet-Motor der Donald Kelly und Der "Perendev" Dauermagnet-Motor der Mike Brady. Dateigröße 1.2 Mb, Erscheinungsdatum: 17/1/2013 ePub Kapitel 2 Verschieben Gepulsten Systemen: Der Motor / Generator von Robert Adams, Der Trägheitsantrieb und Elektrisches Generationssystem der Phemax, Die Strom-Generator von Raymond Kromrey, Der COP=3.18 Magnetischer Motor der Teruo Kawai, Die Batterielose Wasserpumpe Generator von James Hardy, Der COP=10.000 Motor/Generator-Patent von Georges Mourier, Die "RotoVerter" Macht Beschallungssystem, Kraftverstärkung durch die Spule Kurzschließvorrichtungen, Das Magnetische Kupplungssystem von Raoul Hatem, Das COP=3.3 Gepulste Schwungrad des Lawrence Tseung, Das Magnetische System der Art Porter, und Gleichstrom-Motorleistungsfähigkeit. Dateigröße 1.2 Mb, Erscheinungsdatum: 19/1/2013 ePub Kapitel 3 Regungslos Gepulsten Systemen: Graham Gunderson's Solid-state Electric Generator, Charles Flynn's magnetic power enhancement system, Lawrence Tseung's magnetic frame, Thane Hines' dual toroid magnetic frame, cascaded frames, Clemente Figuera's Motionless Generator, the Annis/Eberly Motionless Generator, the Richard Willis COP>1 generator, Stephan Leben's self-powered electrical generator, Floyd Sweet's VTA, the Pavel Imris optical amplifier, the Meyer-Mace Isotopic Generator, the Colman/Seddon-Gilliespie generator, Robert Norrby's generator, Don Smith's "Resonance Energy Methods", Nikanor Giannopoulos' dual Tesla Coil arrangement, the 'Gegene' magnetic plate power amplification, the Dynatron system explained, Tariel Kapanadze's self-powered electrical generator, Kapanadze's coil and motor explained by William McFreey, Cold electricity coil technology and Stan Meyer's Particle Generator patent. size 3.8 Mb, 17 Jan 2013 HTML Kapitel 4 Gravitationsphysik Gepulsten Systemen: Lawrence Tseung's pulsed wheel, Lawrence Tseung's Impact gravity wheel, Chas Campbell's pulsed flywheel, John Bedini's pulsed flywheel, James Hardy's water-jet generator, the Magnetic Pendulum, Jerzy Zbikowski's Chain Drive, Gravitational Effects, Mikhail Dmitriev's gravity wheel, the Dale Simpson gravity wheel, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi's Gravity Wheel, the Veljko Milkovic pendulum/lever system, the Dale Simpson hinged-plate system, Amr Al-Hossary's gravity wheel and the Murilo Luciano gravity chain. size 600 Kb, 15 Oct 2012 HTML Kapitel 5 Zugriff auf Energie Gepulsten Systemen: Frank Prentice's electrical power accumulator, Dave Lawton's cold electricity water-splitter cell, John Bedini's pulsed battery charger, the Tesla Switch, Dave Lawton's cold electricity lightbulb, Bob Boyce's COP=12 energy tapping toroid, Don Smith's devices, Vladimir Utkin's explanations of Tesla, Don Smith, Tariel Kapanadze and current amplification, Lawrence Tseung's toroids, the Ed Gray power tube, Radiant Energy waves, Nikola Tesla's experiments, Don Smith information, the Alberto Molina-Martinez generator, Alfred Hubbard's device, Joseph Cater's device, a Hubbard design, Floyd Sweet's VTA, Rosemary Ainslie's heater design, Joseph H. Cater's self-powered generator and Dr Oleg Gritskevitch's 1.5 MW generator. size 3.6 Mb, 26 Oct 2012 HTML Kapitel 6 Aufladen der Batterie Gepulsten Systemen: John Bedini's pulsed systems, Roger Andrews' switching system, Ronald Knight's battery information, Ron Pugh's battery charger build, a self-charging battery pulser, the fan pulse charger, the automotive pulse charger, the self-charging motor, the Alexkor battery charger, Howerd Halay's battery conditioning technique, the one-battery pulse charger, the Tesla Switch and the self-charging motor. size 841 Kb, 15 Mar 2012 HTML Kapitel 7 Antennenanlagen und Elektrostatische Generatoren: Nikola Tesla's system, Thomas Henry Moray's system, Moray King's circuit suggestions, Hermann Plauson's systems, Roy Meyer's device, Raymond Phillips' RF to DC aerial system, the 'Alexkor' aerial system, Dragan Kljajic's printed circuit, the TREC aerial , Harold Deyo's patent application, Charles Goldie's Electrostatic Generator, D. Le May's Electrostatic Generator and Onezime Breaux's Electrostatic Generator. size 1.4 Mb, 30 Aug 2012 HTML Kapitel 8 Weniger Kraftstoff-Systemen: The energy in air, Bob Teal's compressed air engine, Scott Robertson's thoughts on putting low-pressure air into a tank of high-pressure air, the Leroy Rogers compressed-air vehicle engine adaption, the Vortex Tube, the Eber Van Valkinberg compressed fluids engine, the Clem engine, Vortex analysis by Prof. Evert, the Josef Papp engine, the Robert Britt engine, the Michael Eskeli turbines, the water-jet generator and the Cahill / Scott generator. size 474 Kb, 3 May 2012 HTML Kapitel 9 Passiv Systemen: Hans Coler's device, Thomas Trawoeger's pyramid, Karel Drbal's pyramid, James Brock's pyramids, Verne Cameron's pyramid transmission technique, the Pancake coil, Peter Grandic's patent, Les Brown's pyramid information, Joseph Cater's explanation of how all pyramids work, Pier Ighina's passive energy devices, the Joe Cell, Bill Williams' design and recent analytical advances, co-ax cable electrets and Joseph H. Cater's free-energy box. size 1.0 Mb 20 Dec 2012 HTML Kapitel 10 Fahrzeugsysteme: The HydroStar and HydroGen designs, running an engine on water alone, Hydroxy Boosters, electrolyser design, the 'Hogg' electrolyser, Pulse Width Modulation current control, Dave Lawton's replication of Stan Meyer's Water Fuel Cell water-splitter, Dave Lawton's circuits and construction details, pipe-tuning details, Dr Cramton's low-power water-splitting, modifying generators to run on HHO alone, David Quirey's system for running unmodified generators on HHO, Stan Meyer's water injection system, Peter Lowrie's hydroxy system, mpg improvement through cam timing, the Firestorm spark plug, Ted Ewert's Vortex Turbine, Water Vapour Injection systems, the Ram Implosion Wing, Fuelsavers, high mpg carburettors, Vortex fuel reformers and the weird nature of water and Advanced Electrolysis. size 3 Mb, 18 Oct 2012 HTML Kapitel 11 Andere Geräte und Theoriens: Nikola Tesla's power from air system, Dr. Harold Apsden's Electrical Power Generating Apparatus patent, Our Energy Future, Paulo and Alexandra Correa's conversion of Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves to ordinary electricity, Prof. Constantin Meyl's scalar wave information, Nikola Tesla's MHD device, the effects of the Zero-Point Energy field, John R. R, Searle's self-powered garvitational device, construction details for Dave Lawton's gravity wave detector, the Butch Lafonte motor/generator, the Joseph Newman motor, the differences between Maxwell and Heaviside, Daniel Cook's electrical generator, Michael Eskeli's work-free heater design, Karl Schapeller's Device, Condensation-induced water hammer, William Hyde's COP=10 electrostatic power generator, the suppression of knowledge, Bob Beck's medical information and Joseph Cater's scientific information. size 2 Mb, 26 Sep 2011 HTML Kapitel 12 Elektronik-Tutorenkurs: Simple descriptions of Voltage, resistors, capacitors, current flow, multimeters, transistor circuits, sensor systems, relays, diodes, transistor testing circuits, Power Supply Units, AC, DC, rectification, the SCR, the triac, the opto-isolator, LEDs, chokes, transformers, the Schmitt Trigger, solenoids, RF detection, coil impedance, the diode bridge, multivibrators, inverters, truth tables, the 7414 chip, NAND gates, latches, bistables, gating, the 4093 chip, prototype construction, the 4011, the Darlington pair, using a gate as an amplifier, the 555 chip, the 741 chip, op-amps and comparators, a simple, versatile, Schmitt inverter signal generator, the CD4022BC chip, the CD4017B with divide-by-25 example, programming the PIC chip, capacitors, AC current in coils, resonance, constructing prototypes, test equipment and how to build it, and 'the weird stuff'. size 970 Kb, 20 Dec 2011 HTML Kapitel 13 Zweifelhafte Geräte: Paul Baumann's Thestatika, Michael Faraday's Homopolar Generator (or the N-Machine), the Borderland Science AC version of the N-machine, the Romag and Mini-Romag, Cold Fusion, Moller's Atomic Hydrogen Generator, Muammer Yildiz's 'Ocean Star' electrical generator, Jesse McQueen's 'Internal Energy-generating Power Source', the 'D18' Nitro Cell, the HydroStar and HydroGen systems, Hydrogen from Aluminium, Francois Cornish's system, Ultrasonic Water-splitting, Tom Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, Dave Lawton's assymetric MEG and Valeri Ivanov's Motionless Generator. size 689 Kb, 17 Jun 2011 HTML Kapitelr 14 Erneuerbare Energie-Geräte: Efficient solid-fuel burners, Stan Meyer's hydroxy gas burner system, the Kim heaters, the Eugene Frenette heater, the Eugene Perkins heater, the multi-disc heater, the Peter Davey heater, the simple home-build windmill design from Dan Bartmann and Dan Fink, William McDavid's wind or water generator, Frank Herbert's high-efficiency windmill, the 'Power Plant for Caravans' from Claude Mead and William Holmes, the easy-build Solar Funnel cooker, water and milk pasteurisation, the Solar Funnel as a Cooler, the Solar Puddle, the 'Easy-Lid Cooker', drinking water systems, solar sills, Elmer Grimes' high-volume drinking water from air, the Chalice Courneya water from air system, Toribio Bellocq's well-pumping system, Richard Dickinson's well-pumping system, Arthur Bentley's well-pumping system, the self-powered Ram Pump, wave power systems, solar icemaking, Einstein's refrigeration through heating and solar panels. size 1.9 Mb, 20 Dec 2011 HTML Kapitel 15 Die Aktuelle Situation: why free-energy devices are not yet on sale in your local shop. How to get out of debt: the situation in the UK, the deception of "Joinder", the deception of "Notice", the deception of "Includes", the deception of "Summons", the deception of the "Name", the deception of the "Birth Certificate", the deception of "Registration", the "Government" is actually a company, meet your "strawman", what the police can and can't do, the situation in America, economic hit-men and their actions, the techniques used against you, the resulting consequences, research material and the practical situation and what you can do about it. size 287 Kb, 9 Mar 2011 HTML Kapitel 16 Fragen und Antworten: Topics: What Should I Build? with opinions expressed on more than 90 devices, Electrolysis, Magnet Motors, Don Smith's Devices and General Queries and magnetic heater details. size 515 Kb, 27 Jan 2012 HTML The last few updates to the eBook are listed here. Appendix Part 1 The Appendix is part of the eBook and is normally downloaded with it. However, there have been one or two requests for it to be available as a separate download, so here is Part 1 which is 4 Mb in size HTML Contents: a table of wire sizes, their diameter, current-carrying capacity, frequency limits, etc. Frank Fecera’s permanent magnet motor patent Howard Johnson’s permanent magnet motor patent Harold Ewing’s Carousel permanent magnet-generator patent The Pavel Imris minimal power lighting system patent The Colman/Seddon-Gillespie 70-year battery patent The Jon Sok An Lenz-less electrical generator patent The Molina Martinez self-powered electrical generator patent Michael Ognyanov’s solid-state electrical generator patent Edwin Gray’s electric motor patent Edwin Gray’s electric power supply patent The Adams-Aspden electrical motor-generator patent William Barbat’s self-powered electrical generator patent John Reardon’s AC generator patent Geoffrey Spence’s self-powered electrical generator patent Robert Alexander’s COP = 2.93 electrical generator patent Shigeaki Hayasaka’s electrical generator patent Larry Jamison’s electrical generator patent application Teruo Kawai’s COP>1 electric motor patent Joseph Newman’s Energy Generator patent Philip Brody’s very high output ceramic solar devices patent Charles Flynn’s controlled magnetic devices patent The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator patent Dan Davidson’s acoustic-magnetic electrical generator patent John Bedini’s battery-charging patent John Bedini’s motor-generator patent and John Bedini’s pulse-charging system patent. Background download Appendix Part 2 Size 4 Mb, HTML Contents: Richard Weir and Carl Nelson’s battery replacement patent Hermann Plauson’s aerial power systems patent Roy Meyers’ Electricity-producing device patent Paulo and Alexandra Correa’s free-electricity patent Paulo and Alexandra Correa’s energy conversion patent The Mead-Nachamkin ZPE to electricity conversion patent Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel patent 4,936,961 Stanley Meyer’s hydrogen injection system for vehicles patent 4,389,981 Stanley Meyer’s hydrogen gas burner patent 4,421,474 Stanley Meyer’s hydrogen generation and enhancement patent 5,149,407 Stanley Meyer’s water fuel generator patent CA 2,067,735 Stanley Meyer’s WFC control circuitry patent WO 92/07861 Stephen Meyer’s water-splitting patent application 2005/0246059 Henry Puharich’s water-splitting patent 4,392,230 Shigeta Hasebe’s spiral electrolyser patent Stephen Chambers’ hydroxy generator patent (Xogen Power Inc.) Charles Garrett’s water carburettor patent Archie Blue’s electrolyser patent Ruggero Santilli’s plasma arc electrolysis patent Chak Chang’s low-voltage, low-temperature plasma patent application. Background download Appendix Part 3 Size 5 Mb, HTML Contents: Juan Aguero’s water-engine patent application Stephen Horvath’s water-powered car patent Christopher Eccles’ water-splitting cell patent Spiro Spiros’ COP>1 electrolyser patent Henry Paine’s hydroxy gas conversion patent Boris Volfson’s gravity space-drive patent Charles Pogue’s first high-mpg carburettor patent Charles Pogue’s second high-mpg carburettor patent Charles Pogue’s third high-mpg carburettor patent Ivor Newberry’s high-mpg carburettor patent Robert Shelton’s high-mpg carburettor patent Harold Schwartz’s high-mpg carburettor patent Oliver Tucker’s high-mpg carburettor patent Thomas Ogle’s high-mpg carburettor patent Stephen Kundel’s permanent magnet motor Charles Flynn’s permanent magnet motor Claude Mead and William Holmes’ wind power storage system Richard Willis' COP>>1 electrical generator Mark McKay's investigation into Edwin Gray's technology Mike Brady's "Perendev" Magnet Motor patent Background download Appendix Part 4 Size 2 Mb, HTML Contents: Donald Kelly's Magnet Motor patent Bob Neal's Air Compressor patent The Leroy Rogers Compressed air engine conversions Eber Van Valkinburg's Compressed Air engine Josef Papp's Inert Gas fuel-less engine Robert Britt's Inert Gas fuel-less engine Floyd Sweet's "VTA" Electricity Generator theory Meguer Kalfaian's Electricity Generator The Annis and Eberly Solid-State Magnetic Flux-Switching System William McDavid Junior's High-Efficiency Wind-Power Generator Web links to Scientific Papers and videos. Background download Index of People eBooks: Sir Oliver Lodge "Modern Views of Electricity" : an exceptional book on electricity, magnetism, electrostatics, radiation, etc." size 27 Mb. Background download Sir Oliver Lodge "The Ether of Space" a book which gives an in-depth coverage of the subject." size 9 Mb. Background download Sir Oliver Lodge "The Nature and Properties of Negative Electricity" a 230-page book by a talented man who was among other things a Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Physics of University College, Liverpool." size 22 Mb. Background download Don Smith: A document from Donald Lee Smith showing several of his many multi-kilowatt free-energy devices (updated 20/3/11). size 2 Mb.Background download HTML Moray B. King: A very extensive investigation into the special properties of water, element transmutation, and related topics size 13 Mb. Dr Aspden: Physics Without Einstein by Dr. Harold Aspden size 13 Mb. Background download Dr Aspden: Modern Aether Science by Dr. Harold Aspden size 7 Mb. Background download Dr Aspden: Unified Physics by Dr. Harold Aspden size 10 Mb. Background download Dr Valone: An introduction to the science of Tesla by Thomas Valone PhD size 14.5 Mb. Background download Maurice Cotterell: An amazing description and analysis of electron spin and how it affects gravity, an explanation of the true structure of atoms, why neutrons are essential, what gravity is, how and why matters attracts, how permanent magnetism works, why iron is a magnetic material, the nature of dark matter, why galaxies are spiral in shape, why the centre of the Earth is hot, and why the Earth has a magnetic field. size 2.9 Mb. Nikola Tesla: The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Commerford Martin (500 pages) size 36 Mb. Background download The Tesla Coil: Haller and Cunningham's book on building and using a Tesla Coil (actually building a coil of this type is only for people who are already experienced in using high-voltage circuits) size 2.5 Mb. Background download Karl Schappeller: Cyril Davson's Book on Karl Schappeller "The Physics of the Primary State of Matter" size 48 Mb. Background download or the Summary of Schappeller's free-energy device by Henry Stevens size 183 Kb. Note: I would like to direct you to where you could buy Joseph Newman's important book, but as far as I am aware, it is not available at this time. Newman Part 1: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" size 18 Mb.  : Background download Newman Part 2: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" size 20 Mb.  : Background download Newman Part 3: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" size 15 Mb.  : Background download Newman Part 4: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" size 14 Mb.  : Background download Newman Part 5: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" size 32 Mb.  : Background download Download of the complete book (95 Mb) Alternative download Joseph Newman's web site Donald A. Kelly: The 'Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems' eBook by Donald A. Kelly, issued in 1991. size 13 Mb. Background download T. H. Moray: "The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats" fourth edition by Thomas Henry Moray size 402 Kb. John Moray: "The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats" fifth edition by John Moray, the son of Thomas Henry Moray size 40 Mb. Background download Alexander Frolov: Fuel-less thrust - how nanotechnology provides major thrust in air without the use of any fuel (this is a commercial venture which can be joined at this time). size 1.2 Mb. Dan Davidson: Shape Power - how shape is important in the conversion of ambient energy into more recognisable forms. size 5 Mb. ZPower: "Zero Point Energy" from Reed N. Huish's website which is dedicated to helping the world move to clean free-energy sources of practical power. size 1 Mb. Shinichi Seike: Ultra Relativity by Shinichi Seike size 8 Mb. Background download Ultrasonics: Ultrasonics by Blitz: ultrasonics causes electrically charged cavitation bubbles in water and the charge causes electrolysis - while not free-energy, this may be of interest. size 30 Mb. Background download Stan Meyer: A 140-page test report on Stanley Meyer's "Water Fuel Cell" low input power water-splitter system. size 10 Mb. Background download Alternative background download Magnetos: A very simple explanation of how magnetos work and how they can be built. size 9 Mb. Tesla Patents The complete set of all the published patents of Nikola Tesla. Tesla article A 1919 article by Nikola Tesla on the transmission of power. Vladimir Utkin The insights of Vladimir Utkin on accessing free-energy (last updated on 10th March 2012). Secrets of the Aether An on-line eBook by David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa. Rosemary Ainslie A COP=17 heater design from Rosemary Ainslie, 250 page documentation by Panacea-bocaf and a shorter simplified description also from Panacea-bocaf Special Electromagnet A method of making an electromagnet which can attach to non-ferrous metals. Here is a set of very professionally produced free-energy magazines from some years ago. They are produced by Alexander V. Frolov whose web site is Most of these issues are about 4 Mb in size. Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7 Issue 8 Issue 9 Issue 10 Issue 11 Issue 12 Issue 13 Issue 14 Issue 15 Issue 16 Issue 17 Issue 18 Issue 19 Issue 20 Issue 21 Issue 22 Contents listing for these magazines Background download for all issues in one folder (123 Mb) Current Research Status: details of the current status of many of the projects of these Russian scientists (1.5 Mb). Medical Remedy: Colloidal Silver - a simple homemade remedy for most illnesses: cancer, AIDS, Lyme's disease, arthritic pain, skin burns, etc. size 60 Kb. HTML Cure All Cancers: Cancer cures by Hulda Clark. size 3.5 Mb. Cure All Diseases: Cures for general illnesses by Hulda Clark. size 5.1 Mb. Lab Manual: Additional information from Hulda Clark size 2.5 Mb. Bob Beck: Spectacular medical treatments described by Bob Beck. size 900 Kb. Interesting web links: Free-Energy Video: Very important presentation introducing the whole subject. Free-energy Overview: A web site with various videos and a very good description of where free-energy research is at, at the present time. COP>3 demo Conventional science swears that more power can never come out of a system than the user puts into that system. This demonstration shows an output power more than three times the input power, proving that conventional science is wrong. There are many linked demonstrations from the same man, all of which are worth watching. Science facts a presentation which demonstrates clearly that conventional science is just plain wrong. Generator: A self-powered motor generator from Prof. Kanarev. Important lecture: A presentation by Dr Peter Lindemann on Tesla's single-wire power transmission systems and related patents. Don Smith: A lecture in 16 parts by Donald Lee Smith, explaining how to gather excess energy. Don Smith: A lecture by the very talented and experienced Donald Lee Smith on his Tesla-style power-tapping devices. Don Smith Replication: A very simple implementation of the front end of Don Smith's devices. Martin Grusenick: Video of a recent experiment which demonstrates the presence of the zero-point energy field. GEET Video of an engine running on Sprite, coffee and 1% petrol. Self-charging motor: A small self-charging motor system Prototype 2. Self-charging motor: A small self-charging motor system Prototype 3. Self-charging motor: A small self-charging motor system Prototype 4. Electricity Magnifier: Chas Campbell's pulsed flywheel system which produces excess power. Electrical Magnification: Richard Willis running mains equipment from dead car batteries. Self-charging Motor: Commercial motor has added magnets and runs from capacitors while charging them and other capacitors Wood screw motor: An ultra simple magnet motor demonstration. Water-jet Generator: An ultra simple, home-built, water-pump self-powered electrical generator. Water in Engines: Important demonstrations and explanations of using water when powering engines. Puharich lecture: A lecture from a man who ran his motorhome for thousands of miles on water alone. Newman Car: Web link to a video showing Joseph Newman's latest car in operation. Free-Energy Device: Part 1 of a video showing a solid-state over-unity device in operation. Free-Energy Device: Part 2 of a video showing a solid-state over-unity device in operation. Free-Energy Device: A video showing Steven Mark's solid-state free-energy device in operation. Free-Energy Device: A second video showing Steven Mark's solid-state free-energy device in operation. Free-Energy Device: A third video showing Steven Mark's solid-state free-energy device in operation. Commercial FE Device: Video of a highly tested series of 140% efficient electrical generators. Demonstration: Web link to a video of a demonstration and explanation of Tesla's Longitudinal Waves. Demonstration 2: Web link to a video of a second demonstration of Tesla's Longitudinal Waves. Papp Motor: Web link to a video of a Papp motor in action and shots of the actual explosions. Prof. John R. R. Searl: Web link to a lecture on his 240V 15KW generator / gravity-drive unit. Stan Meyer Video: Video of Stan demonstrating his water-splitting cell which needs very little power Stan's Fuel Cell: Video of Stan Meyer's Water Fuel Cell being demonstrated size 7 Mb. Dave's Fuel Cell: Video of Dave Lawton's replication of Stan Meyer's Water Fuel Cell in action size 1 Mb. Stan Meyer Video: Video of TV interview with Stan and a short clip of his dune buggy in action size 4 Mb. Joe Cell Video 7: A very successful Joe Cell implementation in USA (details in Chapter 9) size 17 Mb. Stage-1 Joe Cell: Video by kind permission of Alex Schiffer, showing a Stage-1 cell in operation size 2 Mb. Stage-2 Joe Cell: Video showing a Stage-2 cell in operation size 2 Mb. Stage-3 Joe Cell: Video showing a Stage-3 cell (capable of powering an engine) in operation size 3.5 Mb. Pyramid: An electric fan driven by pyramid energy (German-language). Battery: A self-charging battery system. 6 kW generator: A solid-state, self-contained device which produces electricity without the use of any fuel. Magnet Motor: A magnet motor producing about 250 watts of power. COP=4 Motor: A motor-generator producing four times as much output power compared to the input power needed to make it run. Free-Energy Suppression Panacea's very detailed record of the opposition to the introduction of Free-Energy devices. Part 1 A rather technical lecture by Eric Dollard and Chris Carson Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Drawing Part 1: As I have been asked several times how the diagrams in my eBook are created, here are three casual, unplanned videos showing how I use a free drawing package. Drawing Part 2 These videos were created without the use of video equipment. Drawing Part 3 Using Fox Magic's "Screen Virtuoso" program.
Electrolyser construction plans and Suppliers: Booster 1 The very popular Smack's Booster. Booster 2 The ultra simple Hotsabi Booster. Booster 3 Bill Williams' dual booster design. Booster 4 Zach West's very interesting booster design. Fuel Injection Control Methods of dealing with the ECU fuel injection rate. Electrolyser The spectacular 100 lpm high-quality, 1,200% efficient, HHO gas electrolyser design from Bob Boyce. Please note that Bob Boyce is currently under attack in an attempt to discredit him. False forum posts are being made in his name by malicious individuals who are attempting to deny his achievements and the quality of his work. Personal physical attacks have been made on him and these are endangering his life at this time. Patents:
This is a collection of relevant patents, most of which have had the wording simplified and the illustrations upgraded with the intention of making them easier to understand. There are also some relevant scientific papers which explain important discoveries. These documents provide a large amount of exciting information, usually in great detail, and much of which is not contained elsewhere on this or other web sites. These patents are included in the complete book download mentioned earlier.
Maplin Electronics: Useful catalogue, components, test gear, kits and consumer goods
Compressed air: An important and very detailed web site on free-energy from compressed air
Fuel consumption improver: Add-on wing spoiler for a vehicle which can triple mpg
Kapanadze replications. J L Naudin's collection of the successes of various replicators - definitely worth a visit. |