eBook updates Following repeated requests, this page is provided to give
the details of successive upgrades and alterations to the "Practical
Guide to Free-Energy Devices" eBook.
The information on this page is not important in any way. 5th February 2018 (Ver.32.8)
Chapter 3 (page
36) Revised pointers to the work
of Barbosa and Leal.
Chapter 19 (page
8) A 150-watt table-top generator development. 22nd January 2018 (Ver.32.7)
Chapter 14 (page
112) Some additional information
on the work of Manoj Bhargava. 14th January 2018 (Ver.32.6)
Chapter 1 (page
36) Some additional information on
permanent magnet output.
Chapter 6 (page
65) Some additional Joule Thief
battery charger development information. 12th December 2017 (Ver.32.5)
Chapter 5 (page
31) Some additional information on
the self-powered generator of Carlos Benitez.
Chapter 6 (page
65) Some additional Joule Thief
battery charger development information. 27th October 2017 (Ver.32.4)
Chapter 6 (page
58) Using the Joule Thief as a
battery charger. 30th September 2017 (Ver.32.3)
Most chapters The removal of text where possible
in order to reduce the overall size and to simplify the ebook. 16th September 2017 (Ver.32.2)
Index page The addition of the notes for some
10 hours of video on viable construction projects. 20th July 2017 (Ver.32.2)
All chapters The removal of 736 pages from the
eBook in order to make it easier for newcomers to read and understand. 24th July 2017 (Ver.32.1)
Chapter 3 (page
139) Corrections and extension by
Mohamed to his analysis of Don Smith’s technology. 11th July 2017 (Ver.32.0)
Appendix (page
A-1405) The introduction of a method
for running a vehicle on solid fuel such as wood chippings or coke. 23rd June 2017 (Ver.31.9)
Chapter 22 (page
36) Possible modifications to the
Lahovsky equipment, increasing the healing effect, lowering the input power
requirement and providing a simple field strength meter display to help
assess the level of treatment. 15th June 2017 (Ver.31.8)
Chapter 20 (page
25) Chas Campbell’s designs for
more powerful inertial generators. 5th June 2017 (Ver.31.7)
Chapter 22 (page
1) The inclusion of the fact that
the 100-year old drug suramin can rapidly combat autism.
Chapter 26 (page
1) The simple Sabourin
self-powered generator which can recharge a mobile phone battery overnight.
eBooks section: The inclusion of the massive 1255-page ebook containing up to date
information on water and its uses from Ozzie Freedom. Particular attention is paid to automotive
uses. The file is very large and needs
the free download Rexit pdf reader or similar to view it 28th May 2017 (Ver.31.62)
Chapter 9 (page
75) Some additional information
from Mr Keshe.
Chapter 25 (page
1) General update and extension of
the Mandela facts and their implications. 5th May 2017 (Ver.31.6)
Chapter 24 (page
17) The addition of some auxiliary
Chapter 25 (page
1) Some information on the Mandela
Effect. 18th April 2017 (Ver.31.5)
Chapter 23 (page
4) An update on the best way to
produce Carbon GaNS water. It is not
possible to produce GaNS with a carbon rod and what is produced is a material
called “Ormus” which does not have any of the important GaNS properties.
Chapter 24 (page
16) An addition on Clif High’s
comments on why chemtrails are being sprayed. 15th April 2017 (Ver.31.4)
Chapter 24 (page
1) Information on chemtrails and
how to deal with them. 10th April 2017 (Ver.31.3)
Chapter 22 (page
35) Additional information from
the Lahkovsky machine builder on techniques for using the equipment.
Chapter 23 (page
1) Information on how to reverse
the Genetic Modification of GM crops. 2nd April 2017 (Ver.31.2)
Chapter 15 (page
75) A brief statement on the
current 2017 financial situation. 24th March 2017 (Ver.31.1)
Chapter 2 (page
119) An introduction to the
Infinity SAV Motor/Generator from
Chapter 22 (page
33) The addition of some
experiences when using the equipment. 5th March 2017 (Ver.31.0)
Chapter 9 (page
75) The addition of details on the
orgone research of Dan Davidson.
Chapter 22 (page
33) The addition of some information
on dealing with world health problems. 5th February 2017 (Ver.30.9)
Chapter 8 (page
29) The addition of details on the
Heinz Klostermann air plasma fuel-less motor. 19th December 2016 (Ver.30.8)
Chapter 22 (page
1) The addition of a chapter on
dealing with health issues. 19th November 2016 (Ver.30.7)
Chapter 6 (page
40) The addition of a circuit from
Sucahyo which avoids surface charge when charging a battery. 16th November 2016 (Ver.30.6)
Chapter 3 (page
109) The addition of an invitation
from Tomswift2112 to replicate the self-powered front end of Don Smith’s most
popular design.
Chapter 4 (page
19) The addition of pointers to
2000 rpm couplings. 29th September 2016 (Ver.30.5)
Chapter 2 (page
8) The addition of extra details from
the late Robert Adams on his motor/generator. 18th September 2016 (Ver.30.4)
Chapter 1 (page
67) The addition of details of the
Miller/Colson reciprocating permanent magnet motor. 27th August 2016 (Ver.30.3)
Chapter 5 (page
90) The addition of a 1933 French
patent from André Coutier which appears to be the Alfred Hubbard design for a
self-powered electricity generator. 14th July 2016 (Ver.30.2)
Chapter 9 (page 67) The inclusion of some details
on the Italian B.A.C. very simple coil and its effects on water, fuel oil,
natural gas, electricity and living things. 9th July 2016 (Ver.30.1)
Chapter 4 (page 14) The inclusion of some
details on the Donnie Watts self-powered multi-kilowatt generator. 24th June 2016 (Ver.30.0)
Chapter 6 (page 64) The inclusion of some
charging circuits from Charles Seiler. 18th June 2016 (Ver.29.9)
Chapter 7 (page 16) The inclusion of some
update information on Thomas Moray’s system.
Chapter 21 (page 12) The inclusion of the
next version of this circuit which now provides 60 watts of mains power
continuously, using only one battery which never needs recharging. Italian Appendix The final 900 pages translated into Italian. 11th April 2016 (Ver.29.8) Chapter 12 (page 22) The inclusion of some information on selecting
an alternative to a transistor which is not available locally. Chapter 14 (page 115) The inclusion of Manoj Bhargava’s simple
electricity generating system. 31st March 2016 (Ver.29.7) Chapter 3 (page 24) The revision of the entry on Clemente Figuera’s
high-power self-powered generator. 29th March 2016 (Ver.29.61) Chapter 22
The inclusion of additional information from the Russian developer
Vladimir Utkin, and the inclusion of his Russian-language original. 23rd March 2016 (Ver.29.6) Chapter 22
(Page 1). The inclusion of the Russian developer Vladimir Utkin,
showing how the Lenz Law effects can be overcome between two coils. 16th March 2016 (Ver.29.5) Chapter 21
(Page 1). The inclusion of details on how to build a self-sustaining,
table-top generator with 40 watts of excess energy. 25th February 2016 (Ver.29.4) Chapter 20
(Page 1). The inclusion of suggestions for building Chas Campbell’s
most advanced dual flywheel generator. 27th January 2016 (Ver.29.3)
Chapter 3 (Page 124). The inclusion of a pointer to
a Russian translation of Don Smith’s techniques.
Chapter 6 (Page 32). The inclusion of a plug-board
layout for the first Alexkor battery charging circuit.
Chapter 6 (Page 63). The inclusion of a
fast-charging version of the Joule Thief circuit.
Chapter 10 (Page 27). The inclusion of some details
on efficient electrolysis.
Chapter 15 (Page 69). The inclusion of some details
on the American “9-11” attacks in 16th January 2016 (Ver.29.2)
Chapter 9 (Page 56). The inclusion of brief
information on Mr Keshe’s Orgone devices. 7th January 2016 (Ver.29.1) Chapter 10
(Page 137). The inclusion of the patent application from Ted Suratt
and Rob Gourley, which shows how to produce a compressible fuel gas form
water. The system uses very low power
levels and produces a gas which can be compressed to 1000 psi and which stays
stable indefinitely. 1st January 2016 (Ver.29.0) Chapter 19
(Page 1). The inclusion of suggestions for building a generator
incorporating a flywheel. 28th December 2015 (Ver.28.9)
Chapter 3 (Page 3). Altered the Thane Heins transformer
details very substantially in the light of recent information.
Chapter 4 (Page 12). Altered details on the John
Bedini wheel in the light of additional information (in my opinion, this is a
dangerous system).
Chapter 17 (Page 1). Some additional suggestions for
alternative drive methods for the Lawrence Tseung pulsed flywheel. Additions Provision of most of the omitted data from earlier
English-language additions, also the ebook chapters on their own and the
Appendix as a separate document. These
are accessed via the normal download html screen. File sizes are 10 Mb, 20 Mb and 10 Mb
respectively. Omissions in the past
have usually been made in order to keep the ebook size down. 27th November 2015 (Ver.28.9) Chapter 18
(Page 1). The inclusion of suggestions for building a system to test
Bhaskara’s gravity-powered wheel design although it is not known if the design actually works. 18th November 2015 (Ver.28.8)
Chapter 3 (Page 7). The inclusion of Professor
Markov’s spectacular transformer designs.
Chapter 3 (Page 18). The inclusion of Lenz-Law-Free
transformer designs and test results. Chapter 17 (Page 4).
The correction of a ball bearing designation from 6002 (15 mm diameter) to
6200 (10 mm diameter). 10th November 2015 (Ver.28.7) Chapter 17 (Page 1).
A detailed description on how to build your own free-energy generator with
simple hand tools. 30th October 2015 (Ver.28.6) Chapter 1 (Page 27).
Steorn’s latest commercial device. Chapter 14
(Page 111). The addition of information on 360 degree lighting for use
in 22nd October 2015 (Ver.28.5) Chapter 11 (Page 65).
The addition of Rossi’s recent patent on his Cold Fusion design. Chapter 12 (Page 13).
A very simple explanation of how to convert circuit diagrams to physical
connections between components.. 16th October 2015 (Ver.28.4) Chapter 3 (Page 9).
The addition of the suggestion that fourteen primary windings plus seven
secondary windings may be a very significant feature of the design, especially if the coils are in close proximity to
each other – phase shifts occur. Chapter 12
(Page 40). The addition of some details on Howerd Halay’s cold
electricity battery conditioning method. 2nd October 2015 (Ver.28.3) Chapter 12
(Page 18). The addition of details on emitter-followers and constant
current circuits. 24th September 2015 (Ver.28.2) Chapter 3
(Page 206). Clarification of the winding details of the Ramaswami
transformer. 22nd August 2015 (Ver.28.0) Chapter 2
(Page 12). The addition of the Lutec copy of Robert Adams’
motor-generator design. Chapter 11 (Page 55). The inclusion of the Rene-Rator
version of Daniel Cook’s self-powered generator in a portable size. 12th August 2015 (Ver.27.9) Introduction (Page 29) The
addition of commercially available equipment which can reduce electrical
heating costs by a factor of about 3. Chapter 3
(Page 8). Some changes to the Clemente Figuera transformer which is
Lenz-law free in operation. Chapter 3
(Page 22). Details of the Clemente Figuera simple 4-coil transformer
which is Lenz-law free in operation. Chapter 5
(Page 88). Correction of diagram dimensions of Hubbard’s household
power generator. 18th June 2015 (Ver 27.7) Chapter 3
(Page 31). The inclusion of a particularly simple mains transformer
which is Lenz-law free in operation. 5th June 2015 (Ver 27.6) Chapter 3
(Page 6). The inclusion of the COP=8 screened transformer of David
Klingelhoefer. 23rd May 2015 (Ver 27.5) Chapter 2
(Page 71). The inclusion of the Rob Ellis 400-watt self-powered
electricity generator. Chapter 6
(Page 55). The inclusion of another battery charger design. Chapter 11 (Page 88). The inclusion of a
highly expert statement on global warming. Chapter 14 (Page 80). Updated solar panel
details as solar power has now outstripped fossil fuel generated power. 7th May 2015 (Ver 27.4) Introduction
(Page 26). The inclusion of a list of 20 different ways to access
free-energy. Chapter 10
(Page 34) The addition of
details on the AVA Magnetic Levitation spiral electrode electrolyser. 19th April 2015 (Ver 27.3) Chapter 2
(Page 12). The inclusion of the initial information on the Tewari
reduced-Lenz-effect electricity generator. Chapter 3 (Page 62). Lorrie
Matchett’s system compared to direct mains zero-level extraction Chapter 5 (Page 24). Carlos
Benitez additional diagram added. 13th April 2015 (Ver 27.2) Chapter 3 (Page 50. The First Barbosa and Leal replication up
to three kilowatts Chapter 14 (Page 59). The inclusion of
information on water purification. Chapter 14 (Page 60). The inclusion of the
Grimes patent on extracting water from air. Chapter 14 (Page 67). The inclusion of
information on water purification using colloidal silver. 4th April 2015 (Ver 27.1) Chapter 3
(Page 6). The inclusion of the Thane Heins bi-toroidal design using 3
ordinary ferrite toroids. Chapter 3
(Page 215). The inclusion of the Ramaswami transformer details and
forum link. 28th March 2015 (Ver 27.0) Chapter 6
(Page 52). The inclusion of the Michael Emme design for a 3 kilowatt
Earth Battery. 12th March 2015 (Ver 26.9) Chapter 3
(Page 28). The inclusion of a zero-back-EMF 7-toroid transformer
system from Alexkor of Russia 4th December 2014 (Ver 26.8) Chapter 2
(Page 67). Update information on two linked AC motors provided by one
of the experimenters whose videos are shown. Appendix
(Page 1284). The addition of eleven items which were external
documents in order to keep all the information together. 24th December 2014 (Ver 26.7) Chapter 2
(Page 67). The inclusion of details on two demo AC motor/generator
arrangements (these might be fake). Chapter 3
(Page 27). The inclusion of three zero-back-EMF toroidal transformer
systems from Alexkor of Russia Chapter 11
(Page 51). The inclusion of more detail on Daniel Cook’s motionless
electricity generator. (Appendix The
attempted translation of the 1100+ page appendix into German) 5th November 2014 (Ver 26.6) Chapter 3
(Page 26). The inclusion of a zero-back-EMF coil system from Alexkor
of Russia which can be used as the output stage for most free-energy devices. 29th October 2014 (Ver 26.5) Chapter 3
(Page 100). A considerable update to Floyd Sweet’s VTA design
including a 27-year old video of Floyd explaining how to condition magnets
for use in his design. 17th October 2014 (Ver 26.4) Chapter 3
(Page 110). The addition of extended analysis of Don Smith’s main
motionless generator by Mohamed in 5th October 2014 (Ver 26.3) Chapter 3
(Page 65). The addition of replication and development details on the
Lorrie Matchett system from Alexkor in Appendix The attempted translation into French of the 1100 pages of
the Appendix. 1st August 2014 (Ver 26.2) Chapter 3
(Page 60). The addition of details of the very simple static
electricity motionless generator from Lorrie Matchett. 28th July 2014 (Ver 26.1) Chapter 3
The addition of a second, completely different patent application from
Annis and Eberly, dated the same day and with the same application number. 6th July 2014 (Ver 26.0) Chapter 3 The addition of the Asaoka motionless
generator designs which predate the MEG patent by two years. Chapter 4
An easy-build version of
William Skinner’s simple gravity-powered power generator. Chapter 7 The addition of a note from Jes
Ascanius indicating that the fast BYV27 diodes give up to three times the
output when compared to 1N34 diodes due to their 200V 25nS performance, both in
aerial and Joule Thief circuits. 11th June 2014 (Ver 25.9) Chapter 10 The addition of a statement from the
US Navy that they intend to run their vessels on electrolysed sea water
instead of using fossil fuel. Chapter 10 The addition of a note from David
Quirey pointing out that bubblers for acetone need to be made of stainless
steel. Chapter 14 The addition of details on the
Jean-Christophe Dumas COP=1.17 heater. Chapter 14 The addition of a very simple solar
panel desk lamp design which can give 8-hours of 1000 lux wide-angle lighting
given under three hours of reasonable daytime lighting. 7th May 2014 (Ver 25.8) Chapter 14 Outline details of simple low-cost,
cheap to run cooling systems. 26th April 2014 (Ver 25.7) Chapter 3 Ashley Gray’s simplified version of
Floyd Sweet’s ‘VTA’ motionless generator. 26th April 2014 (Ver 25.6) Chapter 1 The permanent magnet motor/generator
of Victor Diduck. Chapter 4 Some more specific information on John
Bedini’s pulsed flywheel design. Chapter 5 Some additional information on Joule Thief
circuits. 10th April 2014 (Ver 25.5) Chapter 13 The Nikola Tesla ingenious double-disc
homopolar generator. 20th March 2014 (Ver 25.4) Chapter 5 The suite of investigation videos of
the Joule Thief developments of ‘Jennacas’. Chapter 5 The 1.5V CFL lighting circuit of
Lidmotor/Jeanna. Chapter 14 A brief introduction to Justin
Church’s HHO catalytic converter the “H-Cat”. 9th March 2014 (Ver 25.3) Chapter 2
A suggestion for two small
motors coupled directly together. Chapter 3 The initial details of a Russian
development of a successful, motionless generator with a self-powered output
of 105 watts. Chapter 3 The E-Stress Power Generator from
‘harisingh’. 24th February 2014 (Ver 25.2) Chapter 3 The correction of the suggestion for
laminating the cores of a Figuera generator as that has been found to be not
helpful. Chapter 4 The addition of the 1150 Bhaskara
gravity wheel. Chapter 14 The results of tests on different makes
of 1.2V NiMh AA-size batteries.. 7th February 2014 (Ver 25.1) Chapter 4 The addition of the 1998 Spanish
patent ES 2,119,690
of José Luis García
del Castillo showing a motor-flywheel-generator design. Chapter 6 Some additional details on the
modified fan battery charger. 30th January 2014 (Ver 25.0) Chapter 2 A very simple, very low-voltage rotor
system from ‘Lidmotor’ (who makes motors from jar lids). Chapter 3 The motionless generators of Dietmat
Kunel (patented in 1982). Chapter 3 The motionless generator of Valeri Ivanov
moved over from chapter 13 due to its relevance. 20th January 2014 (Ver 24.9) Chapter 1 A system of magnetic shielding from
Pasi Mäkilä of Chapter 7 An improved module for the Jes
Ascanius antenna system giving double the output. 30th December 2013 (Ver 24.8) Chapter 3 Details on Ming Cao’s advances,
including something close to Ed Gray’s power tube and another like Don
Smith’s device. Chapter 4 The inclusion of some details on a 30
kW Gravity-Powered Motor. Chapter 15 The true facts on world population
growth and human condition world-wide, both now and up to the end of this
century. 10th December 2013 (Ver 24.7) Chapter 3 Further details on the Chinese
developer’s Don Smith style device with 15 watts input and 1000 watts output. Chapter 14 The inclusion of some details on
effective heating using HHO and only 216 watts at 12 volts. 22nd November 2013 (Ver 24.6) Chapter 3 The inclusion of some details on a
Russian developer’s self-powered Tariel Kapanadze style device. The inclusion of some details on a Chinese developer’s Don
Smith style device with 15 watts input and 1000 watts output. 13th November 2013 (Ver 24.5) Chapter 3 The inclusion of comments on the
designs of Don Smith and Tariel Kapanadze by Ming Cao of 7th October 2013 (Ver 24.4) Chapter 5 The inclusion of two high-performance
Joule Thief style circuits from Johnny Aum of Chapter 14 The inclusion of additional details on
using small, portable solar panels to provide light at night. 5th October 2013 (Ver 24.3) Chapter 3 Pointers to better quality Figuera
translations, including human-translated English versions of all five Figuera
patents. Chapter 3 The correction of the jumper (shown
in pink) from pin 9 of IC2 to pin 15
of IC1 (a clerical error which should have been corrected earlier). Chapter 3 The replacement of the Figuera
solid-state circuit diagrams and physical layout with tested and proven
circuitry. Chapter 14 The inclusion and upgrade of additional
details on using small, portable solar panels to provide light at night. 24th September 2013 (Ver 24.2) Chapter 3 The addition of an additional Figuera
solid-state circuit diagram from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Chapter 6 The addition of the latest solid-state
battery charging circuit from Alexkor, modified as replication attempts were
encountering difficulties. Chapter 14 The inclusion of some details on “Mr
Teslonian’s” wood-gas system which produces house heating, powers a
generator, generates oil
for use in engines, and powers refrigeration, all from burning some
short twigs and pieces of wood. Also, details of how to run a vehicle
on wood-gas as done during World War 2. Chapter 14
The inclusion of some details on using small, portable solar panels to
provide light at night and some constructional suggestions. Silver.pdf The correction of the physical
component layout diagram in the http://www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl/Silver.pdf
document. 24th August 2013 (Ver 24.1) Chapter 3 The
correction of one jumper on the suggested stripboard layout of the Figuera
solid-state circuit (the jumper from pin 5 of the first 4017B
integrated circuit). Chapter 3 The repeating of the appendix
attempted translation of the three relevant Barbosa and Leal patents in the
Appendix, so that downloads
of chapter 3 pdf now contains all of the relevant information. 14th August 2013 (Ver 24.0) Chapter 3 The addition of outline details of the
three Portuguese generator patents from Nilson Barbosa and Cheriston Leal
showing a very simple device with power gains of 100 or more.. |