There is nothing magic about free-energy and by “free-energy” I mean something which produces output energy without the need for using a fuel which you have to buy. Free energy devices have been around for a very long time now. I have stood beside a water mill and it’s power is scary as it could crush you in moments and never even notice. That mill is on a quietly flowing small river and it can operate at any time day or night without having to pay anything for the power which it uses. It will have cost quite a bit to build the mill in the first place, but after that, it produces major power year after year. Most free-energy devices are just like that as it costs to build them in the first place, but after that they run for free. This presentation is mainly for people who have never come across free-energy and know nothing about it. So, each chapter deals with just one device and tries to explain it clearly. Using a pyramid is generally thought to be a “wacky new-age nonsense” thing but that notion is just a demonstration of ignorance on the part of the general public. We live in an intense energy field and we can manipulate that energy field with high voltage spikes to get an inflow of energy which we can use as electricity. If we align the molecules of a suitable material we can create a permanent magnet. That can be done in a tiny fraction of a second, but the magnet produced by that very short pulse can support its own weight against gravity for years on end if you place it on a metal fridge. The magnet has no power but it is configured in such a way that the energy field flows through it creating the force which we call magnetism. However, if we don’t manipulate the energy field and just let it flow naturally, we find that it is affected by various shapes. Do you seriously think that the people who built the great pyramid of Gisa just used that shape because they thought it was “pretty”? Not at all, it is that shape because of the effect that shape has on the energy field (provided that it is aligned correctly with magnetic North). This chapter is about using free-energy indirectly. Our massive universal energy field carries life force and so, if we concentrate it with a suitably shaped structure we can get serious gains. For example if you grow tomatoes without using a pyramid, then you can get 10 to 14 pounds weight of tomatoes per plant. However if you grow the same plant inside a pyramid the yield can be 40 to 50 pounds of tomatoes from the plant. That is an increase of at least three times for no extra physical effort other than picking the extra weight of fruit. It has been found that an old pet in poor health can be revived and have dramatically improved health by getting them to sleep under a pyramid shape. There are reports of instances where dogs suffering from old age, lameness and hair loss have been cured and rejuvenated in about six weeks by the use of a pyramid. Pests can be discouraged by using a pyramid. If food is placed unwrapped underneath an outdoor pyramid, ants head for the food but veer off before reaching it and exit the pyramid without ever reaching the food. A pyramid has a major effect on land in that it alters the water table, drawing up water through the ground so that plants get just enough water for good growth and yet never get flooded with excess water. One feature of a pyramid which does not appear to be widely known is the fact that it can return Genetically Modified seed to it’s original condition. That is, if Monsanto modifies seed so that it no longer produces seed for the next generation of crop, then storing that seed in a pyramid can return the seed to its original state where it now produces crops which have healthy seed as was originally the case. I am not familiar enough with the technology of the flow of our universal energy field in order to be able to explain it adequately, so the best I can do is to tell you of the experiences of Les Brown of Canada who has used a pyramid for some years. In spite of the harsh Canadian winters, Les gets six crops per year and each crop is three or four times larger than he would get without a pyramid. He estimates that he gets 36 times more crop yield with a pyramid than without one. ![]() The best shape is that which matches the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, whose faces slope at an angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 10 seconds. Pyramids with other slopes will work, but not quite as well. Les Brown says: My test pyramid is 30 feet (9144 mm) high at the peak. The sides from base corner to peak are 44 feet 4.5 inches (13536 mm) and the base sides 46 feet 10.5 inches (14288 mm). It contains two additional floors above the ground level. The floor area of those floors equals the area of the ground level, virtually doubling the growing area. My first floor is 12 feet above the ground and there is a reason for this. I calculated that when the sun was at its highest point, the first floor would have to be 12 feet high to allow the sun to shine on to the back North edge of the ground floor. The 12-foot height was perfect but not absolutely necessary as there are as many plants which grow well in shade as those that prefer the sun. In future, my pyramid floors will all be 8-feet apart and I will put my sun-loving plants in the southern half and my shade-loving plants in the back northern half. By placing the floors at 8-foot intervals there is much more growing area. With floors inside a pyramid, the higher up the floor is, the higher the temperature there. For example, if the ground floor is at 75oF, then the second floor would be at 90oF and the third floor would be about 105oF to 115oF. Each of the higher floors also have higher humidity. The ground floor is perfect for such crops as radishes, lettuce, carrots, beets, tomatoes, etc. The second floor is ideal for cucumbers, squash, peppers and plants which like it hotter and more humid than the ground floor. The top floor can be used for lemons, oranges, (in Canada!!), figs and especially orchids. The pyramid draws in its own water on the ground floor; I have never had to water that level which is built directly on the ground. It never draws too little or too much, always just the right amount for growth. Naturally, I have to pump water to the upper floors, but because the ground floor provides its own water supply, at least half of my pyramid is watered automatically for no cost. I grow right in the ground on which the pyramid stands, but upstairs I have placed wooden planting troughs all around the floors, leaving room to walk, and I grow plants in these. It is a major job getting soil to the upper floors initially, but that is only a one-time task. The troughs are 14 inches wide, 16 inches deep and have a bottom. Space in the pyramid is used to the utmost. At the perimeter of the low areas I plant the kind of plants which need little headroom, and then plant the bigger crops towards the middle. This is a matter of common sense, but using vine type tomatoes and stringing them up, one can work better between the rows, and if the lower leaves are removed, there is sufficient space to grow lettuce, cabbage or any low-lying crop in between the tomato plants. The trusses may be left on the tomatoes as they will not shade the low-lying plants. To ensure a steady supply of food, it is wise to plant only a few plants of each variety at intervals, which means that in the beginning it will take several weeks to reap a full harvest, but after that there will be a continuous yield. By planting in such a manner, the grower will reap about six full crops each year. This method only applies to an enclosed pyramid, which would also need heating in the winter. The means of heating is up to the individual. Personally, I use a wood-burning stove because I have my own supply of wood. However, a wood and oil combination is best because it allows one to be away for a couple of days when necessary and then if the wood fire gets low, then the oil burner takes over. In addition to food growth, the pyramid also has application in food preservation. I have read that 40% of all food grown in my home country of Canada is lost to putrification. This state of affairs can be remedied. The energy of the pyramid which grows plants so amazingly well, can also be used for the mummification of food which can be dried and kept in storage for an indefinite period without losing any of it’s taste or nutritional properties. There are absolutely no ill effects on any food stored in a pyramid. In fact, in many instances it is far better when reconstituted than it was in the first place. It has the water taken out of it, but it also repels bacteria and as a result, nothing will rot in a pyramid. For instance, I cannot make a compost heap inside my pyramid; I have to do it outside, otherwise the ingredients in the compost all remain in good shape and will not break down. The grain grown in Manitoba today is a direct descendant of the grain found in the Great Pyramid, grain that had been there for centuries and which had kept perfectly. My pyramid is made from rough-sawn timber, cut on and near my property and milled by a neighbour. But it is not necessary for pyramids to be made of wood. They can be made of any rigid material which will support permanent glazing: cardboard, strong wire, sheet steel or other metal, angle irons, logs – anything which will not curve and which can be measured precisely and fitted. Pyramids do not have to have solid faces. For many uses, open-sided shapes will do, so long as all the corners are joined and the angles are correct. My present pyramid is made of timber and covered with heavy-gauge plastic sheet. Future ones will be made sheathed in fibreglass, acrylic or glass. They will be closed pyramids solely because I propose to grow food during the depths of Canada’s frigid winters. My pyramid frame is built mainly of wood measuring two inches by four inches and two inches by eight inches rough sawn. Pyramids can be built any size as long as the proportions are correct. Cucumbers grown outside each average one pound in weight while those grown inside the pyramid average four pounds each. Tomato plants average 10 to 14 pounds per plant outside while 50 to 60 pounds per plant inside. Cabbages grown outside weigh 3 pounds while inside they are 12 to 13 pounds each. Inside, radishes grow to 4-inch diameter, lettuces are two to three times larger, beans grow to 25 inches long and 1.25 inches wide. Growing times are the same but the pyramid draws water up out of the ground as needed, gets rid of pests and prevents decay of any type It is very important that a pyramid has one of its base sides aligned exactly North-South, and a compass is needed to align the pyramid exactly. Patrick Kelly |